

PBS News Weekend June 10, 2023





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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[01:54] 今日の主要ニュース

[03:25] Theodore Kaczynski -- the man known as the Unabomber -- has died. Between 1978 and 1995, he used homemade bombs in a one-man effort to try to bring down modern society. Theodore Kaczynski was one of America's most notorious domestic terrorists. For nearly 20 years, the Harvard-trained mathematician made untraceable bombs in a shack he built himself in rural Montana. He mailed or hand-delivered them to unsuspecting targets. The FBI branded him the Unabomber because his early attacks were against universities and airlines
[* Theodore Kaczynski死亡のニュースとUnabomberの名前の由来。
see also: 
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/セオドア・カジンスキー ] .

[06:53] U.S. News & World Reportの大学ランキング/コロンビア大学などランキング不参加の大学が増加/The Chronicle of Higher EducationのFrancie Diep記者に聞く

[13:19]★今日のおすすめ★ 夏は野外で過ごすことが増える季節/ダニやライム病のリスクも増加/タフツ大学医学部(Tufts University Medical School)のLinden Hu教授に聞く/ライム病の原因、症状、治療法/感染地域拡大の理由/気候変動の影響はあるのか/ライム病に特徴的な皮膚症状に注意/ダニが媒介する他の病気/治療・予防(特にワクチン)の進歩/ネズミ用ワクチンとは

[13:19] Summertime means more time outdoors and that means more chances for tick bites and the risk of Lyme disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control, as many as 476,000 people in the United States contract Lyme disease every year. And climate change and our encroachment into wilderness areas means ticks and the Lyme disease-causing bacteria they can carry are more common in more places.
[* Lyme diseaseを簡単に説明した部分。
see also:
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ライム病 ]

[18:50] 匿名メッセージ投稿アプリの匿名性がネット上の行動に与える影響

[21:26] I think the most nerve-wracking part of everything that happened on Yik Yak was you didn't know who was making those posts. So you might think you're cool with [* cool = holding no grudge against one another; having no beef ] somebody of a different race, right, of a different background, of a different socioeconomic status. But you see a post and you're wondering, is that somebody I just ate food with? Is that someone that I just studied with? Is this directed at me? I was in that protest. Do you feel that same way about me? You don't really know, am I psychologically and physically safe anymore?

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
