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[PBS NewsHour June 8, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:41] カナダの山火事 アメリカ東部で空気汚染
[04:15] DR. PURVI PARIKH, Allergy and Asthma Network: Wildfire smoke has particulate matter [** 日本語でも使う「PM2.5」のPMはこのparticulate matterのこと ] . It's very, very small. And that small particulate matter can really get lodged deep into your lungs. So it can cause a lot more lung damage in the short term and long term.
[06:57] 今日のその他の主要ニュース
[10:01] The S&P 500 added 26 points and entered bull market [** < - > bear market ] territory, 20 percent above its low last fall.
[10:45] イギリスのスナク首相訪米 バイデン大統領と会談 ウクライナ援助、AI規制など
[15:43]★今日のおすすめ★ 連邦最高裁 アフリカ系有権者に差別的と批判されたアラバマ州の共和党策定の選挙区割りを違法と判断 最高裁担当記者Marcia CoyleとThe Cook Political Report With Amy WalterのDavid Wasserman(選挙区割りの専門家)に聞く
[17:43] GEOFF BENNETT: And, David, this ruling was seen as a surprise, given, one, the conservative makeup of this court, and, two, the ways in which the court, as we mentioned, in previous rulings has really hollowed out [** to hollow out = to weaken or diminish something by removing large portions of it(thefreedictionary). 中身をくりぬく・骨抜きにする] the Voting Rights Act.
[18:16] What are your takeaways [** takeaway = an idea from a talk, presentation, etc., that the listener or reader should remember and consider (wiktionary); the lesson that one learns from an event ] from this ruling?
[19:42] Keep in mind that Republicans thought they had a bit of an insurance policy heading into 2024 in the House, because they captured control of the North Carolina Supreme Court, which has cleared the path for the Republican legislature there to re-gerrymander [** < to gerrymander = to divide (a geographic area) into voting districts in a way that gives one party an unfair advantage in elections. < After the US Politician Governor Elbridge Gerry who was associated with a constituency said to resemble a salamander ] the state's boundaries in a way that could net Republicans an additional three seats.
[21:06] Justice Kavanaugh, he hedged [** to hedge = to avoid making a clear, direct response or statement ] a bit in that stay decision last year, so we weren't really sure where he would come out.
[22:14]★今日のおすすめ★ テレビ宣教師・保守派論客Pat Robertson死去 保守政治勢力に大きな影響 数々の問題発言
[23:30] LISA DESJARDINS: John Jessup is CBN's main anchor today.
ANNOUNCER: "The 700 Club."
LISA DESJARDINS: Where Robertson's "700 Club," named for 700 original pledging viewers [** pledging viewers < CBN’s first telethon launched the “700 Club” in 1963, recruiting 700 viewers to pledge $10 a month to cover the station’s expenses; the show that took its name came three years later. https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2023/june/pat-robertson-cbn-christian-coalition-televangelist-700.html ] , is still the flagship.
[25:24] JON WARD: Those comments that he made, I think, came from, in part, that sense of wanting to be an all-or-nothing [** = uncompromising ] type of believer, as well as wanting to interpret -- or just coming from a corner of Christianity where the Bible is interpreted in a quite literal fashion.
[26:51]★今日のおすすめ★ 戦争で傷つく子供たち ユニセフ事務局長キャサリン・ラッセル(UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell)へのインタビュー
[30:26] I have seen children in Ukraine who are suffering from the after-effects of the -- sort of the -- just the constant shelling. I met a family where the son was quite disabled, severely disabled. And every time those sirens would go off, the alarms would go off, he would completely fall apart [** = to break down mentally ] .
[34:23] トニー賞(Tony Awards)ノミネート作品『New York, New York』の作曲家John Kander
[41:26] JEFFREY BROWN: Even with "New York, New York" now on Broadway, Kander, who lives with his husband, Albert Stephenson, was about to leave after our talk to join a workshop session for a potential revival of the Kander and Ebb 1990 musical "Kiss of the Spider Woman." He is very much still at it [** at it = involved in an activity or pursuit vigorously ] .
[43:21] (再放送) 「婦人科の母たち」 歴史に埋もれた貢献者
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