

PBS NewsHour July 3, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:11]★今日のおすすめ★ ヨルダン川西岸 イスラエル軍が過去20年で最大の軍事作戦/リポートのあとエルサレム(Jerusalem)にいるAP通信(Associated Press)のJosef Federmanに聞く

[08:26] Are there any concerns on the ground about a third intifada, that the violence could continue to grow and spread?
[** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Intifada

[09:39] 今日の主要ニュース

[10:55] A federal complaint [* = 連邦機関への告訴 (『英辞郎』)] today targeted legacy admissions [** 以前の番組で詳しく取り上げています ] at Harvard in the wake of the Supreme Court decision against affirmative action. A nonprofit in Boston argued to the Education Department that preferential treatment for children of alumni unfairly helps white people. [* legacy admissionsの問題の一つは、優遇される多くが白人である点。先日の連邦最高裁判決でaffirmative action(おもに黒人を優遇)は違憲であるとされたため、legacy admissionsが放置されていることは不公平であるとの批判が強まっている。]

[14:06] 1989年のニューヨーク・セントラルパークのレイプ事件 冤罪で7年服役したYusef Salaamがニューヨーク市議予備選挙に勝利/本人へのインタビュー

[14:18] GEOFF BENNETT: In 1989, a then-15-year-old Yusef Salaam was one of five teenagers arrested and wrongfully imprisoned after the brutal rape of a jogger in New York Central Park [** = この5人のことをCentral Park 5という。 see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Park_jogger_case] . They were exonerated in 2002, when DNA evidence linked another person to the crime.

[15:38] YUSEF SALAAM: Since the spike wheels of justice [** wheels of justice < The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine = a metaphor attributed to both ancient Greek and Chinese philosophers, acknowledges the often-slow pace of attaining justice but advises patience because eventually justice is achieved. https://thenassauguardian.com/the-wheels-of-justice-turn-slowly/ // wheels of justiceとspike wheel(googleで写真検索してください)をごちゃまぜにした表現 ] ran over me 34 years ago, of course, many people would imagine that I would have a very adverse reaction to police departments and police officers in general, really systemic issues.

[16:23] And so the beautiful thing about my story is that I have been in pain. I have been one of those people that was pushed behind, pushed to the back of the line. And, as they always say, the last shall be first. [** < The first shall be last and the last shall be first (聖書の言葉) = In a general sense, “the first” are the privileged, prestigious, and selfish who get ahead in this life while defying God’s commandments. But they will receive condemnation in the life to come. “The last,” though rejected by the world, will receive a great reward in heaven. https://site.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/new-era/2017/12/to-the-point/what-do-the-scriptures-mean-that-say-the-first-shall-be-last-and-the-last-shall-be-first?lang=eng ]

[16:54] And your victory in this race is in many ways a clear rebuke of Donald Trump, who, back in 1989, took out full-page ads in major newspapers demanding the death penalty for you and the other four men now known as the Exonerated 5 [** = 既出のCentral Park 5の別の呼び方 ] .

[20:59] 1年前のロー対ウェイド判決破棄以降、6つの州で妊娠中絶関連の住民投票 そのすべてで中絶権を支持する結果/オハイオ州でも同様の住民投票を行うための署名運動/Ohio Physicians for Reproductive RightsのLauren Beene医師に聞く

[24:13] And we are hopeful that it will not pass, that the August special election will not be successful. But even if it were, we would still power forward [** to power = to travel with great speed or force. 勢いよく進む。力強く進む ] , because we know that this is what the people want. The people want reproductive freedom in Ohio.

[24:54] I haven't personally reached out to President Biden regarding this myself .I know a lot of other people in the reproductive health care space [** space = a field, area, or sphere ] have.

[25:45] LAUREN BEENE: So, immediately after the Dobbs decision fell, a few hours later, I think it was about seven hours, a trigger ban [** = trigger lawによる禁止 // trigger law = trigger law = (politics, law) A law which is not active until a particular event comes to pass, converting the inactive law into an active law on the books この文脈では、連邦最高裁がRoe v. Wadeを覆すことを条件に発効する(妊娠中絶を禁止する)州法のこと。2022年のDobbs判決により、実際にRoe v. Wadeは覆され、trigger lawがあった州では中絶を禁止する州法が発効した。このように、ある条件が満たされると、それが引き金になって有効になる法律のことをtrigger lawという ] went into effect, which made abortion illegal in the state of Ohio after the point at which cardiac activity could be detected, which is about six weeks. People refer to that as the heartbeat ban [** = 上の説明の通り ] .

[27:21] 破綻国家レバノン 経済危機・政治危機から脱却できないまま/Leila Molana-Allen記者がレバノンからリポート

[30:40] NAJAT AOUN SALIBA: Those war leaders have created what we call a deep state [** A deep state is a type of governance made up of potentially secret and unauthorized networks of power operating independently of a state's political leadership in pursuit of their own agenda and goals... (wikipedia) ] . That means they have their tentacles everywhere.

[31:31] Citizen-run grassroots organizations can do little to create permanent change, more focused on firefighting [** to firefight = to react to urgent problems as they arise, as opposed to planning for the future ] daily crisis upon crisis.

[32:16] They distribute dry goods and groceries donated by the public and the diaspora [** = people settled far from their ancestral homelands (Merriam-Webster) ] .

[36:37]★今日のおすすめ★ 20年ぶりにマラリアの国内感染例 フロリダ4件、テキサス1件/UTHealth Houston School of Public Healthの感染症疫学者Catherine Troisiに聞く

[38:39] The precursor to the CDC was actually formed to combat malaria in Southern states. [** = The Office of Malaria Control in War Areas (MCWA), the World War II organization that was to become the forerunner of the present Centers for Disease Control (CDC), was established by the Public Health Service in 1942. The new organzation, MCWA, was given the taks of malaria control and prevention in areas around military ases and industrial areas concerned with production related to the war. https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/109499 ]

[38:47] However, through the use of insecticides, through the use of better sanitation, getting rid of standing water [** standing = stagnant; not moving or flowing. // standing water = よどんだ水 ] , informing people that they should use insect repellent, we have been declared malaria-free since 1970.

[41:08] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: So, if someone felt some of those symptoms, but then they went away, maybe not breathe a sigh of relief and go get that checked out? DR. CATHERINE TROISI: Right. And those are -- those are very indescript [** = without distinguishing qualities or characteristics ] symptoms. So one thing you might think about is where you are in the United States.

[43:34]★今日のおすすめ★ ジャーナリストKatty KayとClaire Shipmanの新刊共著『The Power Code: More Joy, Less Ego, Maximum Impact for Women (and Everyone Else)』/Katty Kayへのインタビュー/女性リーダーにとっての権力とその使い方 男性との違い

[46:41] Women are often promoted on the basis of performance, men on the basis of promise [** = potential; indication of future excellence or success ] .

[47:38] Women are still doing the vast majority of the childcare, the housework, the planning of the housework, the emotional labor, the cognitive labor, all of the research around housework.
[** emotional labor = the mental activity required to manage or perform the routine tasks necessary for maintaining relationships and ensuring smooth running of a household or process, typically regarded as an unappreciated or unacknowledged burden borne disproportionately by women (Oxford Languages) ]
[** cognitive labor = Someone who is engaged in cognitive labor is exerting effort on something that is neurologically draining: ... keeping their brains active and on alert, anticipating other people’s needs, figuring out ways to fulfill those needs, making decisions about all sorts of things that are often invisible to other people and thus not celebrated as valuable labor, and monitoring the progress of these various endeavors
https://brainlenses.substack.com/p/cognitive-labor ]

[48:05] The number of stay-at-home dads -- I know you have a partner who stays at home, looks after your children. He's sort of a unicorn [** = someone or something that is rare and hard to find ] .

[50:12] ヘアスタイルによる差別

[51:04] GABRIELLE HAYS: [** CROWN Actの説明 ] The CROWN Act, first introduced in California, stands for Create a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair; 23 states have passed similar bills. Some states, like Missouri, have not.

[52:37] KIMBERLY NORWOOD: People aren't getting offers because of their hair, not because it's not clean, unkempt, because it's in braids, because it's in an afro, because it's in locs [** = dreadlocks] , right? And that is something that is pretty connected to African descendant people. So it's a real targeted form of discrimination that woefully negatively impacts Black Americans in particular.

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