
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.08.19☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Weekend

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend August 18, 2024

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[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[03:50] And French actor Alain Delon has died. His smoldering good looks lent an air of wounded mystery to dark roles in a string of classic films.

[** smoldering = suppressed but still showing; not overt or flashy but having an intense quality that cannot be masked ]

[15:08] It was an inflection point for the Republican politics of law and order, and basically presenting themselves as the forces of hierarchy, decency. You know, if you're behind a white picket fence and work hard and play by the rules, the people Richard Nixon termed the silent majority, we're for you.

[** "White picket fence" symbolizes the idealized vision of American suburban life, middle-class values, stability, and traditional family life, and it also represents the realization of the American Dream -- owning a home in a safe, pleasant neighborhood ]

[** silent majority = see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silent_majority ]

[15:35] >> I revere this office but I love my country more. [** For the full speech of President Biden, see:  https://note.com/wgc888/n/n6276e9b1b7d4 ]
JUDY WOODRUFF: Fast forward to today, when a sitting Democratic president has stepped aside, a conflict rages overseas that has re-ignited tensions on the left, there are renewed pushes for women's rights and racial equality, and the Republican presidential candidate, himself a recently convicted felon facing more charges, is running on a promise of "law and order."

[18:56] >> I definitely don't want to have what happened in '68 happen, because I think that the danger of having the orange-haired guy resume office of presidency will really be a disaster, not only for America, but the world.

[** orange-haired guy = Donald Trump. see: https://note.com/wgc888/n/n5e42bc276419#29480f53-e32c-4aa4-9bc0-b473f236bade ]

[19:41] [** MitraClipとは何かの説明1 ] ALI ROGIN: The device is called MitraClip, and its goal is to fix leaky heart valves, often in patients too sick for surgery. It's implanted by snaking a small clip into the heart through a major vein.

[20:12] [** MitraClipとは何かの説明2とmitral regurgitation (僧帽弁逆流) とは何かの説明 ] MitraClip is used to treat patients with a condition called mitral regurgitation, or MR, in which blood flows backward through the heart's mitral valve. MR can lead to heart failure and death. I've seen estimates, Ali, that millions of people in the United States experience MR, including 10% of people over 75. The MitraClip system includes a tiny clip that is implanted in the mitral valve to fasten the two flaps of the mitral valve together and enable them to achieve a tighter seal.



  • waylay/ the protesters tried to march to the convention hall from this hotel downtown, were kind of waylaid by the police.

  • horse poop

  • dog poop

  • allow for/ the amount of uncertainty that is allowed for in the FDA approval process

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