
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.10.11☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Oct. 10, 2024


[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • Wiktionary

  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

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[14:27] These people have been through a lot. Some have lost loved ones. They have lost their homes. It's not helpful when they are being provided information that isn't accurate. We have a rumor response page on our Web site [** see: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/current/hurricane-helene/rumor-response ] where you can get the real information about what FEMA does and doesn't do. And we're going to keep pushing forward and not be deterred to make sure we help people as best as we can.

[32:09] U.N. Resolution 1701 was a key part of bringing to an end the last major conflict between Israel and Lebanon in 2006. It had three key provisions, [** 国連安保理決議1701の主要3項目を説明している部分 ] that Hezbollah would lay down its weapons and withdraw behind the Litani River. In its place, the Lebanese Armed Forces would become the official authority in the south of Lebanon. And, in return, Israel would respect the blue line, the border drawn up between the two countries. In the years since, none of the parties have fulfilled or respected those obligations. Hezbollah has continued to grow its weapons arsenal. The Lebanese Armed Forces have never grown the power or weaponry they need to establish authority in the south of Lebanon. And Israel, even before this latest round of conflict, has launched daily incursions into Lebanese airspace and seawaters.

[51:19] DAVID BOWEN: I would call it like a hybrid mash-up . I wouldn't say that this is like -- obviously, there's not grasses like this growing on Mars, right? So, we're taking something familiar, we're taking this very unfamiliar landscape and kind of mashing it into this hybrid of something you would never see, but hopefully has sort of a familiarity to it that kind of helps you think, oh, that's what the wind is doing.

[** mash-up = a combination or blending of different elements, ideas, or styles to create something new ]

[54:00] JEFFREY BROWN: With so many exhibitions across such a large region, PST ART is likely impossible for any one person to take in as a whole. But there's plenty of opportunity to choose your science, your art, your combination of both, old, new, and into the future.

[** take in = to enjoy or appreciate; to absorb or experience something fully ]



  • call it a career

  • campaign call


  • Blue Line

  • mission creep

  • AlphaFold

  • vector

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テレビ(ABC NewsNBC News ・ Sky News ・Sesame Street



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