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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:14]★今日のおすすめ★ 経口避妊薬Opill(1973年から処方箋薬)の一般市販薬化をFDAが承認/Society for Family Planning暫定会長で産婦人科医のJennifer Villavicencioにその意義を聞く
[07:57] 今日のその他の主要ニュース
[13:11]★今日のおすすめ★ バイデン大統領 NATOサミットを終え、NATO新加盟国フィンランドを訪問/現地に同行しているホワイトハウス担当記者に聞く
[18:45] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: There are a number of deliverables [** = (この文脈では)約束に基づいて届けるもの。供与すると約束したもの ] that the president is going to have to get across the finish line, including those F-16s that were promised to be transferred to Turkey.
[20:19] ハリウッド俳優組合(SAG-AFTRA)ストライキ突入へ/脚本家組合も5月からストライキ中/The Los Angeles Times紙のAnousha Sakoui記者に聞く/ハリウッドにとどまらない大きな影響/終息のめどは立たず
[22:49] But I'm struck by how both sides seem to be framing this in almost existential terms [** = 存亡に関わるかのような言い方で ] .
[22:58] And I think, like you said in the package [** = (この文脈では)このインタビュー直前に流れた説明ビデオのこと ] , that this is similar with the sort of debate with the writers, that the studios are sort of saying that they have issues of terms of restructuring at that time.
[23:20] And now there's been this sort of shift in that sort of streaming model, where there's been a pullback [** < to pull back = (出費を)手控える、 節約する。退却する ] in production, and many studios seeking cost savings and trying to cut back.
[23:47] ANOUSHA SAKOUI: Yes, it seems that there was a sticking point around streaming residuals, which are the royalties paid when a TV or film is replayed. [** residualsを説明した部分 // 辞書には次のような説明がある。(in the plural) payments made to performers, writers and directors when a recorded broadcast is repeated.(wiktionary); (テレビ番組を再放送する際に役者や作家に支払われる)再使用料 (英辞郎) ]
[27:51] If you look at the networks, the big networks, which have been presenting their fall slates, [** (映画界で使われるslateの説明で次のようなものがあった) what else does slate mean in film? It could mean a collection of projects. For example, a producer or a production company might say that they have a slate. This means that they have a group of projects. https://beverlyboy.com/filmmaking/what-does-slate-mean-in-film/ 「秋の番組リスト」「秋の番組編成」「秋の番組予定表」くらいが近いか ] they're very heavily dominated by reality TV and repeats.
[29:45] ヨルダン川西岸の暴力/イスラエル人の視点をLeila Molana-Allen記者がリポート
[37:32]★今日のおすすめ★ 大学入学者選考で積極的差別是正措置(affirmative action)は違憲とする連邦最高裁判決のあと 大学卒業生の子息への入学優遇制度(legacy admissions)への批判が強まる/全米黒人地位向上協会(NAACP)会長のDerrick Johnsonに聞く
[37:25] GEOFF BENNETT: The U.S. Supreme Court's ruling against affirmative action in college admissions has renewed the debate over another admissions practice, legacy admissions, in which universities give preference to children of graduates when deciding whom to accept [** legacy admissionsの説明 ] .
Lawyers for Civil Rights, a Boston-based nonprofit, filed a complaint after the court ruling alleging that Harvard's legacy and donor-based admission system violates federal law by favoring white students.
[38:51] [** legacy admissionsがどのくらいあるか具体的な数字] It was reported that Harvard, for example, 43 percent of white students were there on some type of legacy admittance. That's not fair to the rest of the population.
[40:05] GEOFF BENNETT: The NAACP, as you well know, is calling on colleges and universities to adopt this ’Diversity No Matter What’ pledge. [** = According to an NAACP release, the pledge is an effort to ensure institutions of higher education foster environments that mirror the nation’s diversity and increase the representation of historically underrepresented students. https://www.blackenterprise.com/naacp-launches-diversity-pledge/ ]
[40:18] DERRICK JOHNSON: Well, there should be adversity standards [** adversity standard = (このあとに続く部分から考えると…)大学志望者がこれまに経験し、克服して来た逆境を考慮した合否判定基準 ] , how one -- an individual based on their zip code should not be a condemnation of their future. Far too many kids, Black, white, and others, will grow up in communities where the resources are lacking, the tax base is not strong, the system of education is less than desirable. And, as a result, those students are overcoming those adversities and finding themselves in the midst of being able to compete at the highest level. There should be a standard to admit those individuals.
[43:12] ちょうど50年前の今日は ニクソンの会話録音テープの存在を大統領補佐官が明かした日/現在の政治状況との類似と相違/2人の専門家(ウォーターゲート事件の検察官の一人Jill Wine-Banksと、ワシントン大学で法律と政治を教えるStuart Streichler)に聞く
[43:19] Exactly 50 years ago, a White House aide revealed that then-President Nixon's conversations had been taped. The Watergate tapes [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon_White_House_tapes ] included audio of Nixon working to cover up the Watergate break-in connected to his campaign and became a point of no return for him as he slid to political downfall.
[47:57] I think that the exception for crime-fraud [** crime-fraud exception = Under the crime-fraud exception, the attorney-client privilege does not apply to communications in which the client seeks the services of the lawyer for the purpose of engaging in crime or fraud... https://msgre2.people.wm.edu/PR2012QsIVA6.html // 犯罪不正に関する例外(原則),弁護士がクライアントに対して犯罪や不正に関する助力を与えたと見られる場合,そのことについて弁護士業務の守秘義務特権から除外すること(『英辞郎』) ] is very broad, and covers what you want to cover.
[51:23] Nowadays, we have alternative facts [** = 「代替事実」。つまり、嘘のことだ、と直後に言っている ] , which are lies, and we have a strong support system that, had it existed for Richard Nixon, could have made a difference. He might have survived if there had been a FOX News supporting his lies. And so I think that's really one of the biggest differences, is that facts mattered back then.