
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.10.03☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Oct. 2, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[08:52] And this court filing today was filed under seal a short while ago.

[09:34] And there's some new detail from prosecutors, who maintain that Trump himself was in the dining room near the Oval Office tweeting on January 6 as Mike Pence was in danger from rioters in the Capitol. And Trump allegedly said to an aide who asked him about all this: "So what?" So there's a lot of new color and vivid detail about Trump's alleged actions and his state of mind and his knowledge in those waning weeks of 2020 and early 2021.

[** color = (in this context) descriptive elements that capture depth, tone, and nuance in a narrative ]

[13:12] And after they tried all kinds of other efforts in the courts and with the states, they basically failed at all of those things, and it came down for them to Mike Pence. And so they placed enormous pressure on Pence, tried to signal that he had the power to overturn the will of millions of voters. And Pence wasn't buying it. Nor was one of his legal aides who's testified before the House January 6 Committee. And we get a lot of detail about that. Pence basically says to Trump, why don't you try again? Take this -- sit this one out. You can try again in 2024. And Trump and his top aides were just not having it.

[14:29] So he has argued that, for each facet of the scheme, Mr. Trump's conduct -- well, first of all, for his pressure on his vice president, where the Supreme Court said that could -- that's official, they have made a showing and an argument that they can rebut the presumption of immunity by showing through the evidence that prosecution for this illegal pressure on Mike Pence would not create any danger of intrusion the functions of the presidency.

[15:53] With little more than a month to go, the Republican and Democratic presidential campaigns are dialing in on key swing states.

[25:39] Closing arguments began today in the federal trial of three former Memphis police officers charged with violating the civil rights of Tyre Nichols. Prosecutor Kathryn Gilbert told jurors that the officers involved wanted a -- quote -- "beat-down" after the 29-year-old ran from police after a traffic stop last year.

[** beat-down = a physical assault intended to punish or intimidate, often serving as a warning to others about the consequences of disobedience ]

[29:40] ALEX STEFFEN: Well the way I like to talk about it when I teach classes and do talks is that the thing we want to think about most is moving away from risk.

[32:05] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: It also seems that the role of government plays a big part here, because every time we rebuild a coastal community that has been leveled multiple times by storms, you're signaling to people, it's OK to move back here, it is OK to live near this beach or on this slipping wetland.

[38:30] KYLA SCANLON, Writer and Video Creator: Yes, I mean, I think Gen Z has had a tough go of it, being essentially born into the tech bubble, growing up during the Great Recession and then graduating or being in college during the pandemic.

[40:17] STEPHANIE SY: It goes back to a term that I believe you coined, which is vibecession, the feeling that there's a vibe that we're in a recession, even though the economy is not in that place. You attribute that to housing. What are the vibes now, especially as we head into an election?
KYLA SCANLON: Yes, so the vibecession is that disconnect between consumer sentiment and economic data.

[** vibecessionとは何かを説明している部分。説明は上の通り ]

[41:21] And I think, especially for the younger generation, they get most of their news from social media, which definitely has a little bit of a clickbait phenomenon. And I think it really does drive how people experience economic circumstances.

[51:39] KATE CONGER: Yes, so Elon Musk started off not being particularly invested in politics. It wasn't something that interested him deeply. He was really focused on other issues. And we saw a couple of moments in reporting on the book that really radicalized him, one being the COVID shutdowns in California. He was very upset that those disrupted the operations of his Tesla factories. And he was also going through some personal strife at that time with one of his children who was going through a gender transition. He really objected to that. And he now refers to his daughter as dead to him,  essentially. So he had these big radicalizing moments that shifted him more towards right-wing politics.

[** = Vivian Jenna Wilson.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#Relationships_and_children  ] 

[53:49] KATE CONGER: I think so. I think he really wanted control of the platform from an ideological perspective. And he's been able to do a lot of the things that he wanted to do, bringing back accounts that had been banned, like President Donald Trump's, for example, shooting himself to become the most followed account on the platform, becoming more and more popular, and getting more engagement and attention there.

[**In this context, "shoot himself" likely refers to propelling or launching himself ]



  • tourist trap

  • Fat Bear Week

  • onboard

  • clear/ those measures also include more overtime, more transportation, more clearing the election ballots.

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