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[PBS NewsHour Sept. 14, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] Introduction
[02:31]★今日のおすすめ★ Catastrophic flooding sparks renewed scrutiny of Libya's divided government
[03:47] STEPHANIE SY: The driving rain was bad enough, but it was the failure of two dams upstream that doomed Derna, an unstoppable torrent barreling towards sleeping communities, sweeping everything and everyone in its path all the way out to the sea.
[** driving rain = rain propelled by a driving wind // driving wind = wind strong enough to push (i.e., drive) substantial objects around // driving = That drives forcefully; strong; forceful; violent (wiktionary)]
[07:15]★今日のおすすめ★ What led to Hunter Biden's indictment on firearms charges and the legal battle ahead
[08:35] Because it's Hunter Biden and because it's obviously become a bit of a political hot potato, even within the Justice Department, it's everything around it that's very complicated.
[** hot potato = a controversial question or issue that involves unpleasant or dangerous consequences for anyone dealing with it ]
[08:48] DEVLIN BARRETT: So his [* = Hunter Biden's] lawyer has said he will fight this case. And his lawyer has argued that, because they agreed to the terms of a plea and diversion deal, that this indictment should never have been brought, and that essentially the conditions of that deal should still be in effect.
[** < plea deal + diversion deal // diversion = A diversion program, also known as a pretrial diversion program or pretrial intervention program, in the criminal justice system is a form of pretrial sentencing that helps remedy behavior leading to the arrest. Administered by the judicial or law enforcement systems, they often allow the offender to avoid conviction and include a rehabilitation program to avoid future criminal acts… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversion_program ]
[09:46] And, basically, what the judge decided was that this is just too cute by half, and it's not a proper use of the guilty plea system.
[** too cute by half = excessively sneaky or cute ]
[12:03] News Wrap
[12:25] House Speaker Kevin McCarthy dared a hard-right Republican faction today to try to oust him or stop using the threat. McCarthy was quoted as saying, "If somebody wants to file a motion, file the effing motion", as he met with party members behind closed doors.
[** motion = (この文脈では) motion to vacate = 以前の番組に説明があります // effing = fucking ]
[16:21]★今日のおすすめ★ 'Tyranny of the Minority' writers say Constitution not strong enough to protect democracy
[16:33] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: One of America's two major political parties has turned away from democracy, warn Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt. One key accomplice to the backsliding, they say, are politicians called semi-loyalists, who, rather than expel antidemocratic extremists from their party ranks, accept and make room for them.
[** semi-loyalists = (この文脈では)semi-loyal democrats 不完全民主主義者 (あとで詳しい説明があります) ]
[18:53] To be a party committed to democracy, you have to do three very simple things. Number one, you have to accept election losses, win or lose. Number two, you have to not use violence to gain or to hold onto power. And then, number three, most critically, in some sense, for mainstream political parties is, you have to distance yourself and be explicit and open about condemning anybody who's an ally of your party that commits any of those first two types of acts. To be a party committed to democracy, in order for democracy to survive, the political parties in a political system have to ascribe to all three of those principles. This applies to parties of the right and of the left.
[** to ascribe to = (nonstandard) to believe in or agree with; subscribe to (wiktionary) ]
[19:51] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: So, Steve, when you're talking about semi-loyal small-D democrats, who exactly do you see as those actors that are eroding democracy?
[** = 部分的に忠実な民主主義者、不完全な民主主義者、不完全民主主義者 // semi-loyal = partially loyal // small-D democrats = 小文字から始まるdemocrats = (民主党員の意味ではなく)民主主義者、民主主義信奉者 ]
[20:02] STEVEN LEVITSKY: [** semi-loyal democrats (不完全民主主義者) とは何かを説明している部分 ] So, semi-loyal democrats are tricky, because they look like regular politicians. They look like mainstream politicians. They are, in fact, mainstream politicians. They are in the halls of Congress. They are wearing suits. They look and talk and act like regular small-D democrats. But the key difference is their willingness to tolerate, to condone, to justify, sometimes to protect antidemocratic extremists. And we have seen throughout history that when mainstream politicians of the left or the right tolerate, condone, protect extremists on the right or the left, democracies get into trouble. And so who are we talking about in the Republican Party today? Mainstream Republican Party leaders, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, leading senators, leading governors.
[21:34] What's so striking, though, because we have a federal system, that there are states in the United States where there are assaults on voting rights taking place, where there's effort at extreme levels of gerrymandering, so that it makes it possible for a party that doesn't win the most votes to actually win control of state legislatures, where courts are then packed at the local -- at the state level as well. So what we see across the United States is increasingly a divide between states where you continue to have voting rights and democracy and states where democracy is really under assault.
[** < to pack the court = "Packing the court" means adding more court justices and increasing the current limit… https://ja.hinative.com/questions/17465959 // 判事の数をただ増やすだけではなく、(この文脈では)州議会の多数派が、自分たちと政治思想が近い判事を増やすという意味。]
[23:47] New drone technology could make it easier to clear unexploded bombs, mines in Ukraine
[24:33] In this liberated territory, these military engineers, or sapper, are practicing mine clearance the old-fashioned way.
[** = a soldier who specializes in the disposal of bombs, mines, etc. (thefreedictionary)]
[30:49] JACK HEWSON: Since this successful test, Spotlight has been used to clear its first active minefield in Ukraine and is ready for deployment, pending approval from the Ukrainian authorities. Perhaps this app, dreamed up and tested on the American Great Plains, will save the lives and limbs of Ukrainian civilians.
[** to dream up = to invent or imagine something ]
[32:16] Walter Isaacson on his Elon Musk biography and what motivates the controversial tech CEO
[33:36] And so it's somewhat surprising, given his populist tendencies, that he would open up.
[** = To reveal oneself; to share personal information about oneself; to become communicative.]
[34:03] And you have had to walk back a pretty explosive part in one portion.
[** to walk back = to withdraw or backpedal on a statement ]
[37:37] WALTER ISAACSON: Well, I think he's very mercurial. I mean, just this week, he's with Chuck Schumer and Chris Coons and other Democrats. And there are times he'd be talking during the day, and he'd be telling me: I really am for centrist candidates. I want to bring people together. I was supported by and I supported Obama. And then there are times he's mercurial. He will get dark, and he will be upset about certain things, and he will send out tweets that are more pro-Republican. I think that's one of the problems, especially when he goes on social media, is that he is mercurial. And he does have variable moods, and that's not actually pretty if you're doing it all in public all hours of the day.
[** = characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood ]
[40:09] He has very good instincts on engineering, how to make the Raptor engine, as you have read in the book, or how you do the -- also manufacturing, like, how are we going to get to the era of electric vehicles?
[** = The Raptor is a family of full-flow staged-combustion-cycle rocket engines developed and manufactured by SpaceX for use on the SpaceX Starship. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpaceX_Raptor ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ) ]
[40:53] A look at the regional theaters fighting to save their historic art form
[41:09] What if, to tweak "Hamlet" a bit, the play is no longer the thing?
[** the thing = the latest fad or fashion ]
[43:32] She and Padron spoke to us at another of the company's new pop-up spaces, New Haven's public Stetson Library.
[** = temporary; operating or existing for a brief period only. 期間限定の。仮設の ]
[49:28] What led to the rat population boom and how cities are responding
[50:24] COURTNEY NORRIS: Last fall, the pest control company Orkin ranked Washington, D.C., as fourth on its list of America's most rat-infested cities, behind Chicago, New York and Los Angeles. That makes Washington, D.C., the second rattiest city on the East Coast. Renowned urban rodentologist Bobby Corrigan says many cities are dealing with a similar issue. Are we experiencing a rat boom?
[** < rodentology = The study or science of rodents. ]