《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.07.12☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour
■今日の動画:PBS News Hour July 11, 2024
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説明はほとんどすべて英語です。英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう。初歩レベル以外で日本語に訳して理解する人は、英語を話せるようにはなりません (会話の途中で英-->日、日-->英の翻訳を繰り返す時間はありません)。また、基本的な英文法は別として、重箱の隅をつつくような英文法で英語を理解しようとするのは時間の無駄です (実際の英語は教科書の文法では不適切とされる表現であふれています。言葉の法則をまとめたのが文法である以上、文法が現実に追いついていないだけで、問題なのは文法の方です)。もう一つ確実に言えることは、英語を話せない人に英語を習っても、話せるようにはなりません (言葉を話せない人に言葉を習って話せるようになるはずがありません)。どこかの国の英語教育の話みたいですね。
[09:28] There's a huge opportunity cost there, a huge risk. Every iteration you go out, you have to do the cost/benefit analysis.
[12:16] The issue here to me is, this is salvageable, but not the way the White House and the campaign has been fighting or not fighting over the last two weeks. They are not meeting the conversation where it's happening. And I think that's going to be the problem with this press conference, is that, one, he's going to look the same. So that's 0 for 1 one right there. He's going to not be talking about this in a health context. And that's 0 for 2. And that's tough.
[16:49] The U.S. House of Representatives rejected a Republican effort to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in inherent contempt for refusing to turn over recordings of President Biden's interview from his classified documents case. The lawmakers wanted to fine Garland $10,000 a day until he did so. Four Republicans joined all Democrats in rejecting the measure. It was the latest such effort by GOP members who voted last month to hold Garland in contempt of Congress. Even if the resolution had passed, it was unclear how it would have been enforced.
[35:22] PASTOR GREG LOCKE: There was a time, I think, that maybe I felt it was my responsibility to play to the division a little bit more maybe than I do now.
[40:29] JUDY WOODRUFF: For this group, their church and their faith greatly inform the way they view politics and their choices in this year's presidential election.
[45:07] we are more divided now than we have ever been. If Donald Trump gets in the White House, is that going to change? Probably not. And I have been part of that problem in the past, that it's either Democrat or it's either Republican. No, I am pretty messed up about both of them at this point.
[49:17] MEGAN THOMPSON: Some designers put a modern spin on traditional materials like beads and feathers.
[51:54] MEGAN THOMPSON: But excitement and interest can lead to cultural appropriation, when non-Native designers profit from Native patterns and motifs without permission or acknowledgement. Ralph Lauren came under fire in 2022 for using indigenous Mexican designs.
[52:47] MEGAN THOMPSON: This is Bread's first runway show as a designer. Their collection is an ode to the 1970s, when federal law finally guaranteed Native Americans the right to religious freedom.
[53:11] MEGAN THOMPSON: When Saturday's runway show began, Bread's were the first looks to come down the runway. Seven more designers followed.
blue wall states
Sun Belt states
confirmation bias
fantasy football
demonstrative/ I'm very demonstrative
Moral Majority
Reawaken America Tour
put something on the map
■ 英語のラジオ・テレビを視聴
・ラジオ (CNN・NPR・BBC)
・テレビ(NBC News ・ABC News・Sky News)
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