

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend May 19, 2024



[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[04:07] And America's first Black astronaut candidate finally made it into space. Ed Dwight was chosen in 1961 by then-President John F. Kennedy to train to be an astronaut, but wasn't picked for the 1963 class. Today, at the age of 90, he got his chance. Dwight joined five other passengers aboard one of Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin rockets for the 10-minute flight. Dwight is now the new record holder for oldest person in space.

[** Ed Dwight = 以前の番組に出てきました ]

[05:38] And we also learned this week that a symbol of the "Stop the Steal" movement reached the highest court in the land. The New York Times reported that in January of 2021, an upside-down American flag -- an emblem now widely associated with the lie of a stolen 2020 election -- was flying at the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

[** upside-down American flag = 番組内で上のように説明がある通り。]

[07:51] He's making a kind of surprising argument, which is to say, even though this was my home, and even though judicial ethics rules are all about the impression of a lack of fairness -- they are not only focused on what you actually do as a judge, they're focused on the impression you give other people -- and he's saying, despite all of that, this was, you know, just something my wife did and part of a neighborhood spat.

[** This sentence should probably be either "judicial ethics rules are all about the impression of fairness" or "judicial ethics rules are all about the impression of a lack of impartiality" ]

[11:02] What do you think this flag incident means, looking forward to the 2024 election?
So, first of all, I think we have to see. We just broke this news a few days ago. Let's see how it enters the bloodstream. But the idea of a Supreme Court justice flying this flag outside his home, even if it was his wife, as he says, it, I think, does connote a kind of mainstreaming of "Stop the Steal." It says that, you know, this was accepted by a lot of people, a lot of people in power

[** Let's see how it enters the bloodstream = Let's see how this news will develop and be accepted by the general public ]

[12:41] For most people who get Lyme disease, symptoms go away after a two to four week course of antibiotics. But for 5% to 10% of patients, debilitating symptoms like cognitive impairment, muscle aches, joint pains and brain fogginess can stick around much longer. Many people who have these long-term symptoms refer to it as chronic Lyme disease, but the Centers for Disease Control does not recognize that term. The CDC says it's unknown whether long-term symptoms are caused by the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.

[** chronic Lyme disease = 番組内で上のように説明がある通り。]

[22:19] If we look at the Venn diagram [* see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venn_diagram ] of states that have banned abortion and of states that have restricted access to gender-affirming care, especially for minors, it's largely a circle. They are outlawing health care that is life-affirming and in some cases, life-saving. And they are doing so often in the face of [* = despite, against, contrary to ] medical guidance. What we also know is that many health care providers who provide abortion also provide gender-affirming care. They are under dual attack by lawmakers, unable to provide what they believe and know to be the best medical care because of the political reality that many people view gender-based health care as needing to be regulated or outlawed.

[** life-affirming = supporting and respecting individuals' choices and needs, enabling them to fulfill their full potential ]

[** gender-based health care = medical services tailored to specific gender-related needs, including reproductive health care, gender-affirming care ]


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう。

  • tip someone off/ My mom actually tipped me off to the fact that I had had Lyme disease two years prior

  • tank/ my health just completely tanked

  • in lieu of/ in lieu of having an accurate diagnostic and a treatment for all stages of the illness, people really need to know what's at risk.

  • intelligence/ I think some of the early experts who were tasked with solving this underestimated the scale, the severity and the intelligence of Lyme disease

  • derive something back to/ They say it's a syndrome related to a panoply of symptoms that present themselves but we cannot definitively derive it back to the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.

  • disease agent

  • Venn diagram

  • in the face of

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