

PBS NewsHour April 7, 2023

このnoteの目的は、アメリカのニュース番組が理解出来るようになる方法を伝えることです。その方法とは、英語字幕を読みながら英語ニュースを毎日見続けること。 こんな感じです(スクリーンショット)




また、このnoteや字幕ファイルでは、辞書を調べても分からないような英語表現を説明しています(辞書を引けば分かる言葉は、自分で調べてください)。辞書に載ってないような表現、辞書にあっても意味がたくさんありすぎてどれなのか分からない言葉、文脈の中で特殊な使われ方をしている言葉、背景の知識がないと分からない部分、ニュース英語や時事英語の独特な表現、知っていると訳に立ちそうな表現などを説明しています(書き加えた説明は[* ……] )。


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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:37] 今日のニュースまとめ

[04:09] U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is defending himself a day after ProPublica reported he's taken lavish trips for decades that were paid for by a Republican megadonor. Thomas issued a statement claiming he'd been advised by colleagues not to disclose -- quote -- "this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the court." [* 関連ニュース

[06:31]★今日のおすすめ★ テネシー州議会 黒人議員2人を除名処分 民主党議員団会長に聞く

[06:30] It was a chaotic scene at the Tennessee capitol yesterday, as two Black members of the state House of Representatives were kicked out of office by the Republican supermajority. [* 関連ニュース ]

[08:23] ANDREW FARMER (R-TN): Just because you don't get your way, you can't come to the well [* well = (階段状の議場などの底部の)演壇のある所] , bring your friends and throw a temper tantrum [* = to have an outburst of childish or unreasonable anger, frustration, or ill temper かんしゃくを起こす。駄々をこねる] with an adolescent bullhorn.

[09:26] GLORIA JOHNSON: I know that rules sometimes have to be broken, and sometimes you have to get in good trouble. [* 公民権運動指導者John Lewisの言葉 :
"Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble."  

[09:57] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Their absence may be short lived. The Nashville Council will meet on Monday and could choose to send Jones back to the state Capitol until a special election can be held later this year. [* 現地の新聞記事 ]

[11:43] And another last week committed -- has been charged with simple assault. [*  暴行の種類を英語で説明すると… There are two classifications of assault: simple assault [* 単純暴行] and aggravated assault [* 加重暴行]. Simple assault is an act intended to arouse fear in a victim, but does not have to involve actual physical contact. Rather, simple assault involves the threat of violence towards another person. https://www.tombruno.com/articles/simple-assault/]

[12:50] And, as you said, both Representative Jones and Pearson could be reappointed to their seats and run in a special election. How can you make sure, though, that the Republican supermajority will seat them? [* to seat = to install in a position or office of authority, in a legislative body, etc.(Random House) 議席に就ける。就任させる]

[13:18] I don't see any grounds for this supermajority to refuse to seat them in this General Assembly [* = a legislative assembly, especially, a U.S. state legislature 州議会] .

[14:15] So we're fighting for gun safety measures and a little gun sense legislation [* gun sense legislation = 常識的で分別のある銃規制法] . We're talking with our colleagues across the aisle [* = 他党の同僚議員。この場合、(民主党議員から見た)共和党議員のこと。議場で議員が通路を挟んで所属政党ごとに座ることから ] .

[17:04]★今日のおすすめ★ バイデン政権 トランスジェンダー選手の大会出場一律禁止は規則違反

[17:16] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Amna, the proposal would mean any blanket policy prohibiting transgender athletes from competing would violate Title IX. That's the law that prohibits sex-based discrimination by schools that receive government funding.[* Title IX = 連邦教育法第9編:連邦改正教育法(Education Amendments of 1972)第9編;連邦の補助金や助成を受ける教育機関での性差別を禁じている]

[21:43] Proponents of this bill have said that it is about fairness, alleging it will protect cisgender [* = having a gender identity which matches the sex one was assigned at birth. 生まれ持った性別と心の性が一致している。シスジェンダー ] girls from losing out on trophies and athletic scholarships.

[24:23] 刑務所受刑者やその家族にとって高すぎる通信費

[29:20]★今日のおすすめ★ イラク戦争開戦から20年 民主主義の約束に幻滅する若者たち

[38:29] 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る

[39:20] And I say that because I have seen this movie before. [* have seen this movie = (idiomatic) To have experienced a situation which is the same as or similar to the current situation, especially with a sense of the unpleasantness or tiresomeness of the recurring situation.(wiktionary) "前に見た感"がある。] In 2016, when everyone -- everyone was saying, there's no way this guy can win, I started watching his poll numbers, particularly when he attacked now the late Senator John McCain, when he said what he -- the horrific things he said about John McCain, and then his numbers went up within the Republican primary base, a party that loved the military and loves strength.

[49:25] 普段は非公開のCIA博物館 最近の改装後この番組を案内

[50:35] NICK SCHIFRIN: Twenty years ago, then-Secretary of State Colin Powell, with CIA Director George Tenet behind him, used intelligence that came in part from an asset known as Curveball [* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curveball_(informant) ] to make the case for war in Iraq.

[52:34] ROBERT BYER: When you look at the failures of CIA and then understand what you need to do in order to build upon that, you get incredible success stories. For instance, Red Cell [* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Cell] analysis was accelerated after the WMD issue. And what that leads to is, when you get to the raid at Abbottabad, we show President Obama all the different possible permutations [* = 組み合わせ。並べ替え。この文脈では、日本語の「パターン」が適当かもしれない。] of who could possibly be at Abbottabad.

[54:21] AMNA NAWAZ: Some late-breaking news tonight. A federal judge in Texas has halted the FDA's approval of the abortion pill mifepristone, while a legal challenge filed by anti-abortion groups proceeds. The drug, when used with a second pill, is the most common method of abortion in the U.S. The Biden administration has one week to appeal. [* 関連ニュース ]

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
