
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.06.29☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour June 28, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[03:46] She said the majority did textual backflips to reach their conclusion.

[05:08] JOHN YANG: Well, the challengers said that these laws criminalized -- made it -- made -- or -- sorry -- they were punishing people for being homeless, for being unhoused. And you can't punish someone for their status. You can only punish them for their conduct.

[09:17] GEOFF BENNETT: And, as Amna mentioned, the Chevron case is obscure, but has a huge impact. It's basically shorthand for a longstanding tradition that says, if there's an ambiguous statute, the courts defer to the agencies and their interpretation of how to read that statute because the thinking has always been that the agencies have the expertise.

[10:32] But Justice Kagan, in her dissent, says that's a very cold comfort. And I tend to agree. This is a very complicated question. It's sometimes very hard to parse out exactly why courts upheld regulations. And I fear that there will be many, many folks ready to test the limits here and to reopen past regulatory judgments and regimes.

[17:37] SABRINA SINGH, Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary: If there's not enough room on the marshaling yard, then it doesn't make sense to put our men and women out there when there's nothing to move.

[26:58] Well, is replacing President Biden on the ticket, is that even a viable option? Because he would have to make that decision and he would have to release his delegates.

[31:20] We're right in the middle of massive flooding out here in Minnesota. And his teams out here. He took time Wednesday. He wasn't preparing for the debate. He was calling out here to see how the flood recovery was going.

[32:12] Look, this is a binary choice, Donald Trump's Mad Max America and one where the wealthy extremists get everything, and the rest of us are left with the scraps.

[33:08] He was clear that he has no intention of doing anything to help public education or working-class people. So, he was articulate last night. He was articulate in a terrifying message that he's going to put in.

[42:13] I went back today and looked at the 2020 presidential debates with Biden, and he looks like a very different person. And so this defeat by Biden was not like Obama's defeat with Mitt Romney in 2012, where he had a bad day. This is about fundamental with-it-ness ability.

[43:49] But he also has an entire term of presidency to run on. In addition, even if he did not say -- yes, he missed a lot of key points. I think it was a terrible performance by any measure. I wanted -- I expected him to come out and make a clear layup on issues like abortion when Donald Trump was standing there lying about it, one of his many lies of that night, and he couldn't even manage that.

[44:13] But I think that Democrats are very, very good at fretting. That's what's happening right now. I think it would be good to take a breath, sit back, look to see how it's landed, and if it's moved voters at all, before making big, sweeping calls for something that would be very difficult to do, which is to change horses on the last lap of the race.

[50:02] And judges may be plenty smart, but they're covering the waterfront. They're not experts on some greenhouse gas.


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  • gun for

  • stare decisis

  • temporary protected status

  • stake

  • see through

  • ask/ any asks of him to step aside are ridiculous

  • Our bench is deep

  • gotaway

  • OIRA

  • divine justice

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