

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour April 11, 2024

日本時間12日午後8時現在、上の動画には自動生成の字幕しかついていないので、今日の字幕ファイル (誤りや省略を訂正済み)は無料公開にします。語句説明も無料です。

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

冒頭の動画をダウンロードして、専用プレーヤーで英語字幕を読みながら再生(あるいは、動画を見ながら聞き取れなかったところを字幕で確認)してください (再生画面はこんな感じです)。



[31:41] NICK SCHIFRIN: Biden administration officials tell me they're trying to institutionalize days like today set on the calendar into the future, things like summits, whether bilateral or trilateral. How much do we know if Donald Trump would maintain these kinds of minilateral arrangements, as we call them, if he were to become president again?

[** minilateral < minilateralism = multilateralism that operates with a small group of the most relevant countries (wiktionary)//

A diplomatic approach where a small group of nations collaborates on specific issues, bypassing larger multilateral frameworks ]

[39:58] MALCOLM BRABANT: A stiff breeze in the southern Atlantic provides optimum conditions for this pioneering ship carrying 200,000 tons of iron ore from Brazil to China. It's fitted with so-called WindWings, which enable it to maintain speed, while reducing dependency on engine power.
CAPT. NOLI PARAUNDA, Master, Berge Olympus: In my 15 years as a ship captain, I have never been more excited.
MALCOLM BRABANT: Noli Paraunda from the Philippines skippers the Berge Olympus. Just as aircraft wings create lift, these devices generate thrust when installed vertically and automatically adjust to wind speed and direction.

[** WindWings =
https://www.bartechnologies.uk/project/windwings/ ]

[46:36] MALCOLM BRABANT: Warships aside, the future is looking bright, as shipping turns back to the future.

[** "Turn back to the future" suggests using an innovative yet traditional approach, like harnessing wind power, possibly playfully referencing the movie "Back to the Future." ]

[50:49] But Momofuku, David Chang, they do own the trademark. They have every right, one would say, to enforce their trademark, especially since larger companies like Trader Joe's have created a very similar condiment. Why isn't David Chang given any allowance here by his critics?

[** to give allowance to someone = to cut someone some slack or show them forgiveness or leniency ]


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。

  • Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

  • sua sponte

  • straw purchase

  • iconic/ iconic closing arguments

  • All-Pro

  • to parlay

  • to railroad/ O.J. Simpson was railroaded

  • to seal the deal

  • Jim Brown

  • missing leg

  • Section 702 (FISA)

  • HMS

  • service speed

  • sriracha

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