
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.03]

PBS NewsHour March 2, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:15] 今日のニュースまとめ

[03:20] Earlier on Wednesday, police used force for the first time to break up protests against Netanyahu's push to overhaul Israeli courts.[* 関連ニュース ]

[04:33] Tennessee will be the first state in the nation to impose strict limits on drag shows.[* 関連ニュース ] Republican Governor Bill Lee signed a bill today that bans the performances on public property, so as to shield them from the view of children. Some Republicans say drag shows expose children to inappropriate themes and imagery. Advocates say the measure is discriminatory.

[06:23]★今日のおすすめ★ ニューデリーでG20外相会合 インドと中国の専門家に聞く

[09:40] Secondly, India can ill afford to buy oil on the global market, given the price of oil, and the Russians are prepared to sell oil at concessionary rates [* = discounted rates], which is easing inflation in India, when global inflation is affecting the Indian economy.

[11:06] And China has also been increasingly importing oil and gas from Russia and sees overland [* 陸路による、陸上輸送による] supplies of energy as more secure than risking seaborne [* 海上輸送による] supplies, where the U.S. could intervene.

[12:59] It has strained Indo-U.S. relations, but the U.S. has mostly expressed its discomfiture [* frustration, disappointment ] privately.

[14:29] And now we have U.S. officials, warning Chinese officials against providing lethal support [* = lethal aid = 武器援助 ] to Russia.

[14:47] But, nonetheless, we have seen evidence of some companies trying to go under the radar and provide some parts for aircraft by falsifying records or claiming these are commercial aircraft. And there was evidence of a small company, Xi'an Bingo Intelligent Aviation, that was in an agreement with a Chinese state-owned defense company, China Poly Group, to provide prototypes for kamikaze drones. [* 神風ドローン、自爆ドローン、自爆無人機]

[16:29] 警官による暴行死事件から2ヵ月 警察改革を模索するメンフィス

[18:02] A job that was once honored, celebrated, valued and appreciated now are looked at in many people's eyes as the scum of the earth.[* = the worst type of people that can be imagined]

[19:14] Last week, Memphis residents packed the chambers of city hall, as councilors advanced a series of ordinances aimed at combating police misconduct, among them, improve transparency and data collection on use of force, limits on the use of unmarked cars [* 覆面パトカー], establishing an independent review of all police training techniques, and restrictions on certain kinds of traffic stops that are often pretextual.

[22:41]★今日のおすすめ★ ルイジアナ州 保守派が公立図書館や司書を標的に 

[24:34] LaRocca has been a librarian for the past 17 years and has never seen anything like it. Recently, she was targeted online and singled out by conservative groups, suggesting she was using literature to groom children. [* 昨日説明しました ]

[25:29] Well, Geoff, these are conservative political groups. Many have a very heavy online presence, and they have a traditional notion of family values. The other side, however, says this amounts to nothing more than censorship and that it targets marginalized communities.[* 社会から疎外されたグループ。具体的には、人種的少数派、性的少数派など]

[28:03] アートの世界のAI論争

[36:41]★今日のおすすめ★ 「milk」とは何かをめぐる論争

[42:30] (再放送)パキスタン大洪水 災害に強くする復興 一人の女性の取り組み

[49:20] ウクライナからアメリカに戦禍を逃れた音楽家一家

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
