

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour March 6, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]



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[07:34] So the primary electorates are much less interested in bringing people together and finding common ground. Primary electorates are much more interested in trying to find a candidate that's going to fight the perceived opposition on the other side. And that, I think, is why Donald Trump won this primary so resoundingly, which is that he spoke to those voters and said he's going to be a fighter for them. So I think it tells you that Donald Trump has a very, very firm grip on this party, yet he has not done the work needed yet to really build out and appeal to the broader, big middle of the American electorate. That big middle of the American electorate that's caught between what I would describe as like the 47-yard lines of American politics, they're going to decide who wins or loses this election.

[09:59] You think about the PACT Act that's going to help veterans and their families.

[37:19] PAUL OFFIT: I think by mandating COVID vaccines, we inadvertently leaned into this libertarian left hook. So now you have hundreds of pieces of legislation pushing back against vaccine mandates, against masking mandates, because this was seen as an issue of personal freedom, of bodily autonomy. But it's not a personal choice when you talk about measles, because it's a contagious disease. So when you make a decision for yourself, you're also making a decision for others. And, remember, there's about nine million people in this country who can't be vaccinated because they're getting chemotherapy for their cancer or because they have a solid organ transplant or a bone marrow transplant. They depend on those around them to be protected. Do we have any responsibility to our neighbor? I think we do.


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。

  • in that same vein/ in the same vein

  • extraction/ it is going to be an endorsement that is going to feel like an extraction over a long period of time

  • freighted/ freighted with significance

  • hard launch

  • punchline

  • to lean into/ there are a lot of issues here that he wants to lean into

  • attuned/ How attuned is the White House to that?

  • shovel-ready/ shovel-ready infrastructure projects

  • humanitarian warehouse

  • to date/ I don't mean to date you with your age here

  • armamentarium

  • to foreground/ if you go back through literature, you go to a great book like "The Iliad," it foregrounds the politics

  • be caught up/ You arrive at the individual living the ordinary life and how the individual is caught up within the cogs, the machinations of this enormous thing that's unfolding


上の「字幕ファイルの作り方」のようにすれば、自分で作ることが出来ます (その場合、もとの字幕の誤りはそのままになります)。



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