
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.06.26☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour June 25, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[12:57] And that's incredibly dangerous, bad facts make bad law. And that's why everybody was so worried about this case, was that, if there was a precedent set with Julian Assange, because of the charges that are in the documents that the government says, it means that they can then turn around and use that on The New York Times of Washington Post, whether or not there are cosmetic differences between the two.

[17:14] Dozens of cars fell off the tracks during the February 2023 crash, some containing toxic gases. Company officials advised firefighters to release those gases from several overheating cars to avoid an explosion. That so-called vent and burn sent toxic smoke into the sky.

[18:18] Oklahoma's Supreme Court ruled today that a state board's approval last year of the nation's first religious charter school was unconstitutional.

[22:38] And I — you know, what works in Wyoming for suicide prevention might be really different than what works in Denver for youth at risk of interpersonal violence. And then the public health approach, we further the things that are effective, we scale them up in a bigger way. So, using that approach and what this report can help us really think about in a more systematic way is, what do we know that already works and how can we scale that up, things like community violence intervention programs or respectful counseling by healthcare providers? Where are the gaps? What do we not know? Where can we invest in funding?

[37:30] Convicted criminal, who's only out for himself.

[37:54] Polls, including yours, are used as qualifications for debates. What do you think about that? That's bad. We think it's a horrible use of public polls. Why?
>> Why? Polls have a scientific basis to them, but that doesn't mean there's not a range in the numbers. A little polling glossary here. He means the margin of error, the range above and below the poll result that represents where, mathematically, the true feelings of the entire country or larger group could be.

[38:45] Can we use polling to predict the winner in a very competitive election? The answer is no. I love polling, but it's just not a precise enough tool to do that. Polling is absolutely up to that task of giving us a high-level read of how the public feels about a major issue of the day.

[43:00] And the idea was always let's make sure that people aren't drowning in their student loans as they're trying to make a life for themselves. But the difference here is the amount of loan forgiveness and the fast path towards loan forgiveness that this plan offered compared to some of the older plans under this suite of income-driven repayment plans.

[53:43] Last month, Mitchell did graduate with a degree in family science.


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