今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.28]
PBS NewsHour Feb. 27, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:21] 今日の主要ニュース
[06:35] イスラエルとパレスチナ 暴力の応酬
[12:41]★今日のおすすめ★ シカゴ市長選挙 犯罪対策が争点
[13:12] Boyd grew up on Chicago's gritty South Side. [* gritty = having a lot of unpleasant features; rough and tough ]
[16:37] The candidates are drawing sharp contrasts over public safety and the city's police department, which remains under a consent decree [* 同意判決 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consent_decree] imposed after the 2014 fatal police shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald.
[17:05] LORI LIGHTFOOT: We are bending the curve on violent crime. [* to bend the curve = (上昇曲線をまげて下降に転じさせるイメージ)上昇を抑える、増加を抑える ]
[17:47] And current front-runner Paul Vallas, the former CEO of Chicago Schools, promises to hire 1,800 new officers with a focus on community policing.[* = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_policing]
[19:46]★今日のおすすめ★ 移民児童労働の急増 記者に聞く
[23:28] They get a phone number for a hot line that they can call. And several of these children told us that they ended up in real trafficking [*trafficking = (この文脈では) child trafficking 児童売買] situations, called the hot line and never heard back.
[24:18] I mean, I thought I would have to crack some kind of subterranean trafficking ring. [* 児童売買の地下組織] But what I actually did was, I showed up in different towns and cities, and, by the next day, I was usually talking to a migrant child who'd come here without their parents and was working in illegal conditions.
[24:38] And one thing that inspectors told me is, there hasn't been an emphasis on proactive [* proactiveは「積極的に」と訳すこともあるが、「予想される問題が実際に起きる前に積極的に動く」という意味を含む場合が多い。 = acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes] child labor investigations.
[25:03] But I think a lot of people who work with these children [* 「子どもたちと一緒に労働している人達」ではなく、「(児童労働問題解決のために実際に)子どもたちと接している人達」の意味] are celebrating that part of the announcement, at least, today.
[25:26] I mean, solutions for immigration issues are tortured. [* tortured = involving difficulty and complexity ]
[26:44] 大学キャンパスに広がるスポーツ・ギャンブル
[27:22] Saul Malek, betting on sports through an online bookie [* bookie = bookmaker ] at his Texas college in 2017.
[35:07]★今日のおすすめ★ 「婦人科の母たち」 歴史に埋もれた貢献者
[36:15] He was a physician who practiced here in the 1840s, developing tools for pelvic exams and a technique to suture vaginal tears called fistulas.[* = (この文脈では) vaginal fistula 膣瘻]
[36:48] FRED DE SAM LAZARO: No mention of them either in a well-known painting immortalizing Sims as the father of modern gynecology. Michelle Browder first saw it as an art student three decades ago.
MICHELLE BROWDER: I was triggered. [* = angered; offended ] From there, I promised myself that, one day, I will change that narrative.
[37:48] They didn't have autonomy [* 自分で決定・行動する自由], so it just makes sense for them not to have arms and feet.
[37:54] The young woman endured months of trial and error as Sims honed his technique to repair their fistulas. The humiliating vaginal injury, usually caused by obstructed labor, [* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obstructed_labour] renders women incontinent and unable to bear children.
[38:47] Lauren Marcelle and Alana Taylor are local artists and recent transplants [* (この文脈では)移住者。引っ越して来た人 ] to Montgomery.
[39:04] FRED DE SAM LAZARO: [*なぜ人体実験とも言えるようなことが行われたのか。医学の発展のためというより目先の利益があった。それを説明した部分] There was no such thing as informed consent from patients or subjects in experimental medical trials in Marion Sims' day. The only consent that mattered had to come from slaveholders, who had a keen economic interest in the health of their workers and, because these were young women, a particular interest in their reproductive health, especially so after the transatlantic slave trade was abolished.
MICHELLE BROWDER: If it's outlawed in 1808, that we cannot go back and traffic folks from Africa, then where are we getting these people? From the neighborhood? Breeding plantations.
[39:52] As for anesthesia, she says, it was not commonly used in Sims' day. But his reason for avoiding it rested on a widely held stereotype, that Black people do not feel pain, something contradicted, she says, in his own work. DEIRDRE COOPER OWENS: I call it racial cognitive dissonance [* cognitive dissonance 「認知的不協和」という訳が辞書にあるが、この文脈では「考えていることとやることが一致していない」くらいの意味だと思われる]. He holds on to the ideologies or sets of beliefs that are swirling in the 19th century, that Black people are somehow different than white people biologically. But he will write: This patient lost sense of herself and struggled violently as we had to restrain her during surgery. Why would you need to restrain a Black patient who is insensible to pain?
[44:20] (再放送)ノーベル文学賞受賞者Annie Ernaux
[48:56] JEFFREY BROWN: ... she looks back to a 1963 pregnancy and abortion, an almost barbaric procedure that nearly killed her, at a time when abortion was still illegal in France. The story, she knows, has a new relevance. [* 昨年ロー対ウェイド判決が覆され、人工妊娠中絶を受ける女性の権利が制限されるようになった現状のことを指している。それで、今日に通じるところがある、今日的な意味があると言っている。]
[51:05] 名前の持つ力 トランスジェンダーの改名
[51:05] GEOFF BENNETT: Elliot Wade is a trans [* = transgender ] advocate who co-founded The Louisiana Trans Name Change Fund.
[53:07] And, on top of that, you have to spend, depending on what parish [* ルイジアナ州では郡のことをcountyではなくparishという] you're in, maybe half-a-grand.
[54:09] My name is Elliot Nicholas (ph) [* = phonetically スペリングが分からない時に、音をそのまま文字にしたことを表す] Wade, and this is my Brief But Spectacular take on the power of a name.