
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.07.05☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour July 4, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[06:46] GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM (D-CA): There was no one that walked out of that didn't say we have got your back, Mr. President. No one. Not one. And so, again, for all the hand-wringing, all the navel-gazing, time to step up and step in.

[07:08] One, the campaign came after them in the last week, calling them bed-wetters.

[14:42] These early sort of exit polls are usually extremely accurate. And what they're saying is that Labor will have 410 seats in the 365-seat Parliament, giving them a majority of 170 seats, and the Conservatives have lost 241 seats, which is one of the worst performances by a Conservative government in recent political history.

[25:55] JOAN BISKUPIC: Where it was a turning point, I think, is in the immunity decision, the justices' regard for the presidency and the justices' regard for themselves. Even though they certainly protected the executive branch much more than any court has ever in American history, it also leaves to the court itself what are official acts, what are not official acts, which is the crucial question coming out of the immunity thing. We talk about the imperial presidency. There was a certain imperial kind of oomph to what the justices did for the judiciary.

[27:31] And how we are talking and looking at the Supreme Court next year is going to depend a heck of a lot, I think, on who wins in November and on whether we have a second Trump administration, where the question is, how much will that court stand up to a President Trump? Or Joe Biden or another Democrat wins in November and we have more of the same. I think that's really very much all to play for.

[28:05] And in the long term, Joan is right, it's about the imperial judiciary and how much more judges are going to be deciding features of our everyday lives.

[43:37] BILL STRONG, Equinix: These are basically customer deployments, where they're running their critical infrastructure and their applications.

[45:34] CHRISTOPHER WELLISE, Equinix: We're in the very early days of artificial intelligence.
PAUL SOLMAN: But, as A.I. taketh away, it may also giveth. Christopher Wellise runs sustainability at Equinix.
CHRISTOPHER WELLISE: What we don't know yet, for example, is, what will be the benefits to society from a energy perspective.

[47:59] PAUL SOLMAN: And so the age-old horse race between the cost of new technology and its benefits, in the case of A.I. perhaps, to solve the problems it creates, or not so much.

[48:26] AMNA NAWAZ: The American flag is one of the world's most recognizable symbols, but the responses it provokes are anything but uniform. A museum exhibit in Arkansas explores how such a universal symbol can send so many different messages. In this encore report [** 前回放送時 ] , Ali Rogin paid a visit for our arts and culture series, Canvas.



  • dig in/ Some believe that publicly coming out, asking him to step aside, is exactly the kind of thing that would have this president feel more embattled, more likely to dig in.

  • robust/ This was such a robust reading of executive power.

  • administrative state

  • return/ Whether that restructuring is going to be a good thing in the long term, Amna, very much remains to be seen. The early returns are not especially inspiring.

  • feature/ feature/ how much more judges are going to be deciding features of our everyday lives.

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