

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour May 9, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[06:03] there's clearly a difference between the U.S. and Israel on how those negotiations should proceed. Israel has argued that President Biden's decision about pausing some weapons deliveries and making that decision public actually strengthens Hamas' negotiating position. But Kirby today argued that a major operation by Israel in Rafah would actually strengthen Hamas' negotiation position, because he said that operation would show that Israel is not interested in actually achieving a cease-fire-for-hostage deal, and it would cause more civilian casualties, therefore putting more diplomatic and international pressure on Israel. But it's all coming to a head. Israel said the end of this week is the deadline. They will launch that major operation in Rafah if there is not a hostage deal.

[35:03] AMNA NAWAZ: Can I ask, just out of curiosity, the phones in the classrooms, those are probably landlines. Is this the first time some of your kids have had to use a landline?
RAYMOND DOLPHIN: Yes. (LAUGHTER) It's funny that you brought that up, because we adults were remarking about that at the beginning of the process, just at how many students were asking us, how do I use this phone? And so we were floored at that. But there was a lot of students who had that question, yes.

[37:27] MILES O'BRIEN: It lifted off like a helicopter, but then he stopped the vertical rotors, turning the craft into an airplane. It's called an electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft, or eVTOL

[43:12] But Delta CEO Ed Bastian says his company also invested to learn about electric flight and how it could be applied to reach Delta's 2050 net carbon zero goal for its entire fleet.
ED BASTIAN, CEO, Delta Air Lines: It's highly ambitious. If I said I had a pathway to that, I'd be kidding myself. We're a hard-to-abate sector, as defined. I mean, we just don't have a substitute for jet fuel currently.

[51:25] JEFFREY BROWN: You referred to his wife Edith opening the door to the American century. Now, that's a -- even -- that's a kind of fraught phrase, a complicated phrase.


それでも分からない場合、下の有料部分に語句説明があります。辞書の定義では分かりにくい時は、文脈の中でどのような意味で使われているかを説明しています。説明はほとんどすべて英語で書いています (英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう)。


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。

  • initiative

  • body politic

  • to play upon

  • to break through to someone

  • to parse out

  • clear-eyed

  • Yondr pouch

  • consistency

  • game day

  • cool as a cucumber

  • climate emergency

  • showstopper

  • multileg journey

  • dispatch rate

  • not look back

  • Medora Musical

  • Badlands

  • Red River Roughrider

  • to will through

  • the room where it happened

  • to flick at

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上の「字幕ファイルの作り方」のようにすれば、自分で作ることが出来ます (自分で作ればもちろん無料。その場合、もとの字幕の誤りはそのままになります)。



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