
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.08.02☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour August 1, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[09:34] But one of the things that you realize, having worked now on a number of these deals, even though this one was the most complex, is that they sort of move on their own speed. They're a long, very agonizing sometimes periods in which it feels like not a lot is getting done. You continue to beat your head against it, continue to try to be creative, come up with new solutions, problem-solve, have conversations, and then ultimately things can end up moving much faster than anyone anticipates.

[10:47] What we had here was a target of opportunity, an opportunity to get some people home who otherwise would be continued to be held in a just unconscionable situation. We took that opportunity.

[34:00] DONALD TRUMP: In her speech in Atlanta last night, Kamala Harris even tried to outbrand a new Southern accent. Did you hear a new accent?

[39:44] LISA DESJARDINS: And for 25 minutes, Zach heard a candidate he could support. But then the speech and Zach's thoughts changed again.
ZACH HORN: It became a stump speech. And it was a lengthy stump speech, at that. And that lost me, to be quite honest. I was going to say, I was hoping for the call for unity. It didn't happen the way that I expected it to. And so that initial move closer kind of got washed with some of those things later.

[45:13] So a lot of the pretrial wrangling over more than a decade has been over what can the defendants introduce about their treatment. And then there was a second factor, which is that under a doctrine sometimes called unclean hands, the government is punished by courts when it commits misconduct in a trial. And abusing defendants in custody is misconduct. So it is possible that, even if they were convicted and sentenced to death, on appeal, a higher court might sanction the government by taking the death penalty off the table. So the death penalty seemed to be really a bridge too far, given the mistreatment of these prisoners after they were captured by the U.S.

[48:13] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: In her new book, Pulitzer Prize winner Anne Applebaum punctures the commonly held image of an isolated autocrat. Instead, she documents the often interconnected ways these strongmen rise to power, how they bolster each other, and then work in tandem to undermine democracy. The book is called "Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World."

[52:17] But you do write that, if he were reelected and uses the tools of executive power against his perceived enemies, that it would -- quote -- then it would be: "The blending of the autocratic and democratic worlds will be complete." Do you think that Donald Trump wants to be an autocrat?
ANNE APPLEBAUM: He certainly says so. I mean, sometimes, he says so in a kind of jokey way: I will be dictator for one day. Sometimes, he says so in the language he uses about -- whether it's about President Xi, who he admires, or President Putin, who he admires, or even the dictator of North Korea, who's driven his country into poverty and isolation, who he also admires. So he's telling us what kinds of people are around -- and he rarely -- he has very few kind words for American allies or for fellow democracies. It's really the absolute -- people with absolute power that he wants to be like. And you can also hear in the language he uses, whether it's about judges, or whether it's about the media, or whether it's about American institutions of other kind, about the electoral system, that he has great disdain for the institutions of democracy and the rules that were set up to make sure that power is checked in our country and that the executive isn't a king. And those are disturbing traits. And they would be -- they would be disturbing at any time in history, but they're particularly disturbing now, when we have the rise of so many leaders with absolute power around the world who would love to have a transactional American president to do deals with.

説明はほとんどすべて英語です。英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう。初歩レベル以外で日本語にきっちり訳して理解しようとする人は、英語を話せるようにはなりません (会話の途中で英-->日、日-->英の翻訳を繰り返す時間はありません)。また、基本的な英文法は別として、重箱の隅をつつくような英文法で英語を理解しようとするのは時間の無駄です (実際の英語は教科書の文法では不適切とされる表現であふれています。言葉の法則をまとめたのが文法である以上、文法が現実に追いついていないだけで、問題なのは文法の方です)。もう一つ確実に言えることは、英語を話せない人に英語を習っても、話せるようにはなりません (言葉を話せない人に言葉を習って話せるようになるはずがありません)。どこかの国の英語教育の話みたいですね。




  • Magnitsky Act

  • lean in/ But what we have seen, rather than the Russian security establishment backing away from confrontation with the West, is leaning in.

  • roll up/ these are people who Russians wanted back, who are intelligence operatives that have been rolled up in Poland and Norway and in Slovenia, as well as people conducted in U.S. courts.

  • DEI hire

  • diversity hire

  • deciders

  • decider

  • coconut meme

  • Do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree?

  • Kamala is brat

  • brat

  • trivia night

  • lean

  • water-board

  • waterboard

  • across the gamut

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