
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.09.03☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Sept. 2, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[05:59] On the one hand, we're dealing with a murderous Hamas jihadist regime that wanted and continues to desire to annihilate our state and to execute our hostages. And they haven't said yes to any deal, to any mediation, to any of the parameters.

[12:48] The U.S. government has seized a private plane used by Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro. The Justice Department says the $13 million jet was smuggled from Florida last year, in violation of sanctions and export control laws. In a statement, the Commerce Department, which partnered with DOJ, said this sends a message that "aircraft illegally acquired from the United States for the benefit of sanctioned Venezuelan officials cannot just fly off into the sunset."

[18:18] BRIAN PANNEBECKER: I put 30 autoworkers into a group called Auto Workers For Trump on Facebook. It grew organically to 3,800 people.

[19:38] BILL KIRKLAND, Member, Teamsters Local 283: I am a refinery worker, yes. I am all for keeping my job. I'm all for America being self-sufficient on energy, our reserves being topped off to the top. I'm all for us being independent, so yes.

[31:44] Trump has been pretty clear that he's responsible for Roe being overturned because he appointed those three Supreme Court justices, created the conservative supermajority, and he points that out whenever he's in front of a conservative group or a religious-right group. So he wants that. He wants credit, but he doesn't want too much credit, and he doesn't want the political problem that doing away with Roe has created. Even with IVF -- when Alabama -- when an Alabama court put IVF on hold, it was because of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe. So this is a problem of his creating. This is the dog caught the car, and this is the political challenge that he's trying to sort through.

[36:43] The book is "The Devil at His Elbow: Alex Murdaugh and the Fall of a Southern Dynasty" by Wall Street Journal reporter Valerie Bauerlein.

[36:59] VALERIE BAUERLEIN: I was captivated by the same thing that the country was captivated by, right? I mean, this story had everything. It had all seven of the deadly sins.

[37:47] VALERIE BAUERLEIN: "He was the kind of guy who could, in the course of a day, score some pills, cheat on his long-suffering wife, fix three different court cases in three different counties, head to Hampton's little league fields to coach one of his son's teams, and then host the after-party for players' families."

[42:37] And then, later, he pled guilty in state court to all the thefts. So, essentially, he pled guilty to the motive. He pled guilty to the predicate crimes that the state said drove him to kill them.

[43:39] [** この話題は再放送です。今回は省略部分があるので、前回放送の方を見ることをお勧めします ] For those stations staying with us, we return to a cooking icon. Madhur Jaffrey first made Indian cuisine accessible to the West decades ago with her milestone cookbook "An Invitation to Indian Cooking." In this encore presentation, she spoke with Amna Nawaz from her home in New York as part of our arts and culture series, Canvas.



  • local/ At a Teamsters local of oil refinery workers near Detroit

  • stealed

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