
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.10.25☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Oct. 24, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[04:57] KAMALA HARRIS: We have the choice of Donald Trump, who will sit in the Oval Office stewing, plotting revenge, retribution, writing out his enemies list.

[05:54] LISA DESJARDINS: From Trump running mate J.D. Vance today, a written argument in an op-ed in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, accusing Harris of prejudice against Catholics. The Harris campaign did not comment after our request for response. But the column brought Vance union criticism for crossing a virtual picket line. Workers have been on strike at the paper for two years. Fewer than two weeks to go, and the campaigns are battling across media and across the map.

[** cross a virtual picket line = (in this context) to contribute to or engage with a publication that is under boycott or strike by its workers //
cross the picket line = To enter a place of work outside which a group of striking workers have formed a protest (thefreedictionary)]

[09:33] JAKE SULLIVAN, U.S. National Security Adviser: We have to carry out this effort with respect to information warfare as a democracy that doesn't do state-run propaganda and have just arms of misinformation spread everywhere. We have got to do it consistent with our values in our ways.

[19:01] DONALD TRUMP: Shots, I mean, moving shots of bombs being dropped into buildings in Gaza. And I said, ooh, that's a terrible portrait. It's a very bad picture for the world. The world is seeing this.

[28:12] GEOFF BENNETT: He spoke with Justice Alito as you were reporting out this book. What did he tell you?

[** In this context, "report out" likely means to finalize and send a manuscript for publication or review ]

[29:22] It's a really important part of understanding McConnell. Like him or not like him, he is a rational actor. He looks at the cost-benefit analysis. If he doesn't see it, he doesn't do it. And in this particular case, his calculation was, Donald Trump is going to fade from the scene. He will be gone. And I need the energy of the Trump base in the midterm elections. And as I say in the book, it was the worst political calculation of his career.

[** see it = (in this context) to see a clear benefit that outweighs the costs or risks ]

[34:40] So, right now, we're having a conversation. We're staying on topic. You're asking questions. I'm responding. And what we're saying kind of has a sort of hand-in-glove quality to it. But what we're seeing with Trump is, basically, he's moving further and further away from linearity, from linearity to tangentiality, so he's sort of weaving together ideas, and then it's moving further afield towards circumstantiality. And that's really where you sort of start talking about a topic, and then you just really sort of lose the thread entirely.

[** hand in glove = in close association; (in this context) fitting together seamlessly; in sync with each other ]

[** tangentiality = A mental condition in which one tends to digress from the topic under discussion, especially by word association (wiktionary)]

[** circumstantiality = Extreme attention to minute or irrelevant detail (wiktionary). ]

[36:03] We just know that there are some changes happening, and sometimes people run with that, and they say this is evidence for something, but I'm not sure you can make that leap at all.



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