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[00:00] Introduction
[02:25] News Wrap
[05:45] Voters in Ohio have set the stage for a showdown on abortion rights this fall. On Tuesday, they rejected a proposal making it harder to amend the state Constitution. [** 関連ニュース ] It would have required 60 percent approval, instead of the current simple majority. Turnout was much higher than usual, as the two sides pointed toward November and a ballot question that would enshrine abortion rights in the Constitution.
[06:58] A leading reinsurance company [** reinsurance = Reinsurance is insurance that an insurance company purchases from another insurance company to insulate itself (at least in part) from the risk of a major claims event ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinsurance Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります] , Swiss Re, reports thunderstorms alone racked up a record $34 billion in insured losses in the year's first six months.
[07:28] And Robbie Robertson, lead guitarist and songwriter for the legendary group The Band, has died in Los Angeles. He and The Band's four other members went from backing up [** to back up someone …のバックバンドを務める。関連表現: backup band = A backup band or backing band is a musical ensemble that typically accompanies a single artist who is the featured performer. The situation may be a live performance or in a recording session... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backup_band Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります] Bob Dylan to their own stardom through the '60s and into the '70s. In the process, they reshaped popular music.
[08:56]★今日のおすすめ★ Why the Biden administration wants to limit U.S. investments in Chinese tech
[13:37] Some critics argue it's been too judicious and too deliberative, in the sense that the executive order only requires what they call a sort of notice-and-go system [** notice-and-go systemとは何か、この後に説明がある ] for areas that are not prohibited under the executive order. So, that is basically an entity wish -- a U.S. person entity wishing to make an investment has to report to the Treasury Department about what they're doing. But it's not a proper screening mechanism, like had been advanced earlier, especially in some possible congressional legislation, wherein they would have to screen that investment and decide whether it is allowed or prohibited. Instead, it is just a notification process. And some critics have said that is too -- too loose.
[15:01] So, one instance is the banning of sale of the semiconductor, U.S. semiconductor firm Micron's chips to many Chinese customers. We have seen them react with restrictions on certain rare-earth metals that are critical in the semiconductor space [** space = A field, area, or sphere of activity or endeavor. 分野] . So, they have kind of shifted gears. We have seen a step change [** step change = a significant change ] from this sort of largely rhetorical responses to actual retaliation that does matter.
[15:41]★今日のおすすめ★ New details emerge on Trump's alleged plan to use fake electors to overturn election loss
[16:30] This indictment charges that Trump and six unnamed co-conspirators were working to overturn that. Now, these are the faces of some people that are believed to be those co-conspirators, including one, Boris Epshteyn, who The New York Times has said is indicated. The others, Rudy Giuliani, these are people clearly close in the Trump orbit [** orbit = A sphere of influence; an area or extent of activity, interest, or control. ] .
[21:29] New fundraising tactics raise campaign finance concerns
[22:31] But what's happening with some of these debate qualification schemes that are going on is that the campaigns are really taking big money, sort of seed money from major donors, and parceling it out to collect these token [** token = perfunctory or merely symbolic; done or existing for appearance's sake. 形だけの] small contributions, which are not enough to actually run a campaign. So these are not small-dollar-funded campaigns. They're big-money-funded campaigns.
[24:29] AMNA NAWAZ: There's this question about the relationship and coordination between Mr. Trump's PAC and his super PAC [** = Super PACs, officially known as "independent expenditure-only political action committees," are unlike traditional PACs in that they may engage in unlimited political spending (on, for example, ads) independently of the campaigns, and may raise funds from individuals, corporations, unions, and other groups without any legal limit on donation size. However, they are not allowed to either coordinate with or contribute directly to candidate campaigns or party coffers... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_action_committee#Super_PACs ] , one organization requesting a so-called refund of $60 million from the other.
[26:15] But the trend that we have been seeing, including this cycle from the Scott campaign and others, going back to 2020 and the Trump campaign, is campaigns using shell companies [** = ペーパーカンパニー、架空会社、ダミー会社. この文脈では、設立目的は、選挙陣営からの資金の流れを見えなくするため ] to hide their spending. So, the campaign runs all its money through a shell company, and then just reports the payments to the shell company. But the shell company is the one that actually makes the disbursements to the people who are doing the campaign's work. And so it hides from the public where that money is actually going.
[27:35] Government eyes more coal regulations as black lung cases sharply rise among miners
[27:32] AMNA NAWAZ: Well, coal mining has long been known as an arduous and dangerous job. In addition to working in very tough conditions often miles below the earth's surface, coal miners are also susceptible to the respiratory disease known as black lung [** black lung = Black lung disease (BLD), also known as coal workers' pneumoconiosis, or simply black lung, is an occupational type of pneumoconiosis caused by long-term inhalation and deposition of coal dust in the lungs and the consequent lung tissue's reaction to its presence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_lung_disease 黒肺塵症、炭肺] . It currently afflicts one in five veteran miners, and the most severe form of the disease is at the highest it's been in decades.
[29:24] Scientists have long known that breathing coal dust can cause black lung [** = 黒肺塵症の原因を説明している部分] , a disease that got its name as miners' lungs turned the color of coal. But an even more dangerous culprit has been identified, silica dust, which comes out of the rocks that get demolished during mining. That dust is 20 times more toxic to the lungs.
[37:09]★今日のおすすめ★ Asian American students weigh in on end of affirmative action in college admissions
[44:51] JANELLE WONG: Well, Susana mentioned the model minority myth [** 以前の番組に説明があります ] . This is the idea that Asian Americans have a special value for education and are uber-competent. Jacqueline Lee and her colleagues show that the internalization and endorsement of this model minority myth is associated with anti-Black attitudes among Asian Americans and associated with skepticism about affirmative action.