《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.08.06☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour
■今日の動画:PBS News Hour August 5, 2024
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[02:54] REBECCA ALLENSWORTH, Vanderbilt Law School: It's a really big deal. The Biden administration has five major monopolization cases going right now against Google, Meta, Amazon and Apple. This is the first one to go to trial. And they won. So, in a sense, they're one for one.
[04:21] I mean, this case, of course, only applies to Google and we still have to see the remedy and then, of course, appeals. But there's all kinds of, I would call them bread crumbs in the opinion that other litigants could take up in other cases against tech, lots of holdings here that are relevant to the cases that I mentioned before, but also any other challenges that you might have to how tech is competing.
[07:57] DAVID WESSEL, Brookings Institution: Well, it's always hard to say why the mood shifted and, when it does, why everybody seems to go in the same direction at once. But there are a couple of things we know. [** 最近の株価下落の2つの要因] One is, a lot of people, a lot of big firms apparently have borrowed money in Japan at zero percent interest rates and invested that outside of Japan. Japan surprised people by beginning to raise interest rates last week, and a lot of those people seem to have been caught short and had to sell stuff. And when they all sell at once, you see what happens. But as you mentioned, also the recent signals about the U.S. economy have been a bit discouraging. The jobs market report last Friday shows some weakening. Corporate earnings have been signaling that demand is slowing. So I think those two things combined.
[21:28] MALCOLM BRABANT: These are just some of the social media videos that detectives are trawling through to identify and prosecute perpetrators participating in and stoking Britain's worst riots since 2011.
[28:48] KAILA POUNCY: One thing that I immediately caught a lot of Gen Z voters off rip was her joy.
[36:29] And what we have seen over the last week is sort of the virtual audition of all three of these men going out and doing cable hits.
[37:52] So I think what we have seen now is the race has shifted from one where Trump was ahead and it was his race to lose to one where, oh, this race is actually really a toss-up now.
[41:01] AMNA NAWAZ: Before I let you go, Amy, I have to ask you, because you talk so much about it, about the impact of a third-party candidate right now. RFK Jr. was polling in double digits at one point. Latest CBS News poll says he's showing at -- polling, rather, at 2 percent. And there's been a series of weird headlines, the only way to put it, the brain worm, the dead bear cub in Central Park.
[44:26] The camp is called Ain al-Helweh. Around 120,000 people live here in perpetual exile, crammed into less than half-a-square-mile, a pressure cooker with poor services, few jobs, and no prospects.
inform/ no man, no government, should inform what I choose to do about my body, especially when it comes to reproductive health.
show up/ She has always shown up as an African American or African American and Asian woman
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