
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.07.02☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour July 1, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

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[04:11] Mr. Trump did not get everything he asked for, but he got an awful lot. He also -- the chief justice also said that not all acts of the president are official acts. There are unofficial acts. And for those unofficial acts, the majority pretty much sent it back to the trial court in Mr. Trump's case and in future cases for judges to sort out in a very fact-intensive review what is official and what is unofficial.

[09:55] And the Supreme Court today did not get to the merits of the arguments. I guess you could say they punted. They decided that the lower courts did not apply the proper First Amendment analysis, so they sent the cases back to the two federal circuit courts of appeals to do just that.

[15:47] SEN. RAPHAEL WARNOCK (D-GA): The question this morning is not, what is Joe Biden going to do? The question is, who has Donald Trump ever shown up for, other than himself and people like himself?

[46:43] A new book by "New Yorker" staff writer and Pulitzer Prize winner Emily Nussbaum, "Cue the Sun!: The Invention of Reality TV," traces the history of this now-ubiquitous genre.

[49:52] And the reason this was so startling to people was partially because of Lance. Like, there had never been a visibly openly gay man on television. And this was like a scandal for people. It was made as a documentary, but, when it came out, it was received as reality television, which is to say, people were scandalized by seeing the inside of this family. And during the course of it, Pat, who's in that clip, asked her husband for a divorce. So, her divorce and Lance's homosexuality became the subject of a three million think pieces. It turned, as you were saying, the Louds themselves into really the first reality stars.

[52:24] On a regular scripted show, people write the show and people act the show and then you watch the show. But on a reality show, it's essentially this invisible collaboration between crew members, which includes the field producers for the show and the editors for the show, and cast members. And so when you see the results, you see it as a sort of simulacrum of real life, but what it really is the residue of this workplace relationship.

[53:01] EMILY NUSSBAUM: For me, "The Apprentice" did mark the end of something, which was it had this incredibly significant impact. It rebranded Donald Trump. It made him president. So it's the point at which the genre proved, for better or worse, it would affect everything from people's personal relationships to the government. But the other thing is, actually, there are a lot of negative things to say about "The Apprentice," but it's a beautifully made season of TV, and it was made by skilled, polished professionals, because at that point it was an industry. Like, people knew what they were doing. It wasn't anymore like the spaghetti-on-the-wall period for reality TV where everybody was making it up for scratch.


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下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。


  • pan/ Biden's widely panned debate performance

  • blow up/ His phone was blowing up

  • lean into

  • out of place/ I went crazy, like, the first few months. I was very, very out of place, and I couldn't decide on what to do.

  • right in

  • Christian nationalist

  • originalist

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