
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.09.23☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Weekend

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend Sept. 22, 2024

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[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[07:30] >> And it's more than just the Weather Service in NOAA. When they talk about the National Hurricane Center and the Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Office, they call it the source of much of NOAA's climate alarmism and say that their data should be presented neutrally. What do those offices do? What do those agencies do? How does it relate to research on climate change? And what do you take of their saying that the data should be presented neutrally?
>> Look, the reality is climate change is a scientific fact. And we're seeing it in the impacts all around the country today. We've seen these extreme weather events. We're seeing billion-dollar disasters mount around the country. We have seen incredible extreme heat waves just this year in our country, major wildfires, Hurricane Beryl, Hurricane Francine that stalled out with major rainfall. This is the reality. This is not about climate alarmism or whatever that might mean. This is about climate reality. This is an agency that is not policy-prescriptive. It's providing essential scientific facts that track both the day-to-day weather as well as the long-term trends, including that caused by climate change, which is driven by fossil-fuel emissions.

[** prescriptive = that prescribes; giving directions or injunctions// "policy-prescriptive" refers to an agency or organization that recommends or dictates specific policies or actions ]

[10:04] The other piece of data that people may not be aware of is NOAA's tide gauge data, which is providing information all along our coastline of the impacts of accelerating sea level rise. That's already causing sunny day flooding even without extreme storms.

[** sunny day flooding = Flooding that is caused by something other than rain, such as a tidal wave or the failure of a dam (wiktionary)  ]

[16:31] >> So, if families are economically challenged, there's a great program called the Women Infants, and Children program, or WIC, and that program is designed for mothers and children under the age of five. They provide education, food sources, access to nutritious foods for children under the age of five.

[** Women Infants, and Children program, or WIC = see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WIC_program ]

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