■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour Feb. 2, 2024
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[24:17] GEOFF BENNETT: Well, you recently said that you were concerned about the Biden campaign's ability to reach Black voters and that the campaign, in your words, needed to flood the zone. What more should the Biden campaign, in your view, be doing?
REP. JAMES CLYBURN: That's what I'm talking about now, flood the zone, getting this information out there using our own methods of getting it out there, using social media, using digital stuff, using boots on the ground. Look, this campaign is going to be won on turnout. Now, how best to turn voters out? I maintain that the best way to turn voters out is not on television. It's on the ground. You have got to get boots on the ground. And we have got to make a significant investment in boots on the ground.
[43:42] [** 現在と1930年代の世界の状況についての興味深い考察 ] And so the historian Hal Brands had a good essay in "Foreign Affairs" over the last week or two, which said, go back to the 1930s. There were three regional conflicts. Japan was sweeping through China. Germany was obviously establishing fascist rule in Central Europe or Western Europe. And then Italy was trying to establish a fascist empire in Africa. And what happened over the next few years was, those three separate regional conflicts coalesced into one big conflict, which we called World War II. And so what we need to prevent is that Iran, China, and Russia will not coalesce into one anti-liberal, completely violent moment. And that's why I think this moment is so fraught. And I think it's why the Biden administration has tried to be strong, but temperate in the middle of it, not to spark that kind of coalescence.
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