
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.09.11☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Sept. 10, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[13:14] Again, I think that's a much smaller sliver of the American population, but this is going to be a race that is decided within the margins. So she's got to define herself. She's also got to plaster him for who he is and what he stands for. She's also got to appear to not fall into the angry Black woman trope, because that is what Donald Trump is going to try to bring out of her.

[23:22] KELLY BARNETT: When Speaker Johnson read their names, I just wanted to fall out of my seat, because that's what we wanted. Just to hear it in the Capitol in that beautiful space, and -- it took my breath away. It did.

[23:50] Don't sweep them under the rug. Don't do -- don't put them behind you, because they have set their legacy, and that needs to be remembered.

[26:49] LISA DESJARDINS: Former President Trump has criticized some people that others believe are heroes, Senator John McCain, obviously, who made his own sacrifices for this country, the father of a Gold Star -- a Gold Star father, in 2016.

[34:20] Russia has made steady advances in the Donbass area since Ukraine went into Kursk, since it went into Russia. And it hasn't pulled significant troops from that area. And this was a gamble on Ukraine's part that Russia might have to divert troops. Instead, Ukraine might lose more territory to Russia. And I would emphasize that it doesn't appear that Putin or the Russian military is panicking about the Kursk offensive, that they are willing to take it in stride, willing to bottle it up and continue their efforts in Ukraine itself.

[40:16] But this idea that, if you don't comply, if you don't follow their orders, they can exact violence on you, that's not part of the job, right? They have a lot of leeway as police officers. They have qualified immunity. They can get them out of lawsuits.

[46:55] NASA clearly had a lot of funding back in those Apollo days and is, in some respects, living on the vapors of that. But you can only go on so long doing that.

[53:00] TOM CASCIATO: Internet lightning struck a second time. That one was seen by Dan Auerbach of The Black Keys, who signed Jon to a contract and brought him to Nashville. There, he made his debut album, combining the sounds he grew up with with the ones he's heard since.



  • name ID

  • Tulsi Gabbard

  • portray/ Matt Gaetz is not portraying Kamala Harris, but he is the one pushing tough questions to former President Trump

  • side/ she can hear the jeers and the side comments

  • edge/ the current predicted pathway of the storm continues to edge more toward Louisiana

  • Abbey Gate

  • wrapped up

  • take up for someone

  • fold/ it is also luring the best and the brightest engineers and scientists to its fold

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