

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend June 2, 2024



[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • Wiktionary

  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

  • このページ上部の検索欄に語句を入れて「でWGCを検索」をクリックすると、これまでの取り上げた語句説明が見られます( 検索時はアポストロフィーやコンマなどは省略、スペースの代わりに _ )


[05:46] And so what started to happen is because they were quick and easy not only to steal, they're also valuable for various kinds of parts. And they're easily -- these cars and parts of cars -- it's a very quick crime to occur and very, very lucrative. So the chance of finding a stolen car or parts of cars are really, really hard. And it's economically advanceable for individuals who are stealing these kinds of vehicles.

[** "Economically advanceable," in this context, likely refers to the fact that the economic benefits of stealing a car or car parts are realized immediately, making it an attractive and lucrative activity for those involved in the crime ]

[14:15] ROBERT SMITH: There are a number of challenges. Some of them are systemic. And some of them are personal. The systemic ones, our access to capital, access to enablement. And then, you know, the personal side is, you know, financial literacy and understanding how, you know, utilization of the capital constructs here in the U.S. can enable an improvement of their condition in their lives.

[** enablement = (in this context) various resources, tools, and support systems that enable individuals to improve their financial situation ]

[** construct = (in this context) mechanism; concept or model ]

[17:31] what we're looking to do in offering, corporate and philanthropic organizations are measured and vetted shovel-ready ways for them to help fulfill not only their pledges, but some of the racial wealth gaps and opportunity gaps that exist. Many of them are looking for ways to do it and looking for ways that are reliable. We've built out what we'll call the infrastructure so that you can now drive, if you want to drive capital, to improve the condition in the banking infrastructure or the healthcare infrastructure or the, you know, things for, you know, food disparity issues.

[** "Drive capital," in this context, likely means to direct or allocate financial resources (capital) toward a specific cause ]


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう。

  • having their cars out and about

  • chop shop

  • hang one's hat on something

  • personal crime

  • retail village

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