■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Jan. 25, 2024
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[20:31] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: And Governor Abbott also claims that the federal government has -- quote -- "broken the compact with states." Where have -- what do you think he means by that? And have states in the past used that language to justify defying the federal government?
STEVE VLADECK: Yes, I mean, the compact theory of the Constitution is a pretty outlier view, especially these days, about the way the Constitution was formed. The basic premise is that the federal government, the constitutional system we have was formed by the states, and, therefore, the states can control its terms. That was the argument on which the Southern states predicated secession and helped to precipitate the Civil War. There's a reason why we tend not to hear that much of it these days. Again, I mean, I think there's a lot of folks who are going to have strong views about whether the Biden administration is or isn't doing what's best for the country at the border. But the way to air those disagreements is through the federal electoral process. In a world in which states can follow this version of the compact theory as a justification for interfering with federal authority, what's to stop California from doing that to the next Republican president? What's to stop Vermont from doing that to the next Republican president? And then we're talking about a system in which the states have all the power, and the federal government is basically impotent to do anything.
[41:09] GOV. JOE LOMBARDO (R-NV): Whether it's closing the lithium loop, unlocking innovation and investments in logistics, the message is that Nevada is ready to partner.
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