
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.10.17☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Oct. 16, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[05:29] LISA DESJARDINS: With it came broader symbolism. The event was near the site where George Washington famously crossed the Delaware River during the Revolutionary War, the president who urged voters to choose country over politics.

[** see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington's_crossing_of_the_Delaware_River ]

[06:39] SEN. J.D. VANCE: I think there are serious problems in 2020. So did Donald Trump lose the election? Not by the words that I would use, OK?

[07:41] AMNA NAWAZ: We're now joined by longtime Democratic strategist James Carville. He served as a lead adviser on Bill Clinton's presidential campaign, and he's the subject of a new documentary called "Carville: Winning Is Everything, Stupid," which chronicles his efforts to get President Biden to step down from the top of the Democratic ticket.

[** < "It's the economy, stupid" was James Carville's famous line during Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign ]

[25:03] JACK GOLDSMITH: Well, the Justice Department has a set of norms, one of which is the so-called 60-day rule [** 司法省の60-day ruleとは何かを説明している部分 ] that says you don't take an action or make a disclosure that's close to the election that could impact the election.

[34:44] SARAH LONGWELL: How many of you were glad to see Vice President Kamala Harris take over for Joe Biden? Yes, raise your hand if you were glad.
MARGIE: I was not for her. And then, all of a sudden, when it went in, I was so surprised. I felt like I had a breath of fresh air. It was shocking to me.

[35:50] SARAH LONGWELL: Rumors about her. Like, what kind of rumors?NICOLE: Sleeping her way to the top. Anybody can say that about a woman. I'm tired of hearing that. Hopefully, it's not true.

[** sleep one's way = to achieve advancement in a career or position through sexual relationships with someone in a position of power.]

[53:01] JOE ELLIOTT: Having him in the shop puts a new wind in my sails. But Anton has brought to me this whole other way of looking at metal, coming up with this substantial piece by lots of little pieces, and I'm fascinated by it.



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