

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend March 9, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]



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[05:26] NADRA NITTLE, The 19TH News: So as you mentioned, the SAT is going digital in the United States for the first time, it actually went digital internationally last year, but for U.S. students, this will be a new experience. The test will also be about an hour shorter than the pencil-and-paper version. And it will be adaptive, meaning that the question students get answered, depend on how well they do at the outset.

[06:51] NADRA NITTLE: So I've heard some mixed responses from my sources about this topic, there really is nothing necessarily in the test in terms of the questions you would get asked that would make it, I guess, easier or narrow the gaps for some students in terms of their performance, but some people think even just by making it shorter, that might help students with learning differences.

[21:26] After that summer, I knew that my focus needs to be on those who are most desperate to be heard, and who deserve to be heard. And I tell our community all the time that, as an organization made by them, our priority is to make sure that they are part of the process from beginning to the end. And in order to decolonize domestic violence response, we have to center and value and trust the voices of survivors from the very community that we say we want to serve. Violence in the context of families and interpersonal relationships has existed since the dawn of time. The experiences that our survivors have had to hold on to, the challenges they experience in receiving care are challenges that I recognize and I experience in my own life.
[22:16] Because I come from the same background, same community, when leaders, policymakers, researchers don't come from that community, and don't have a personal tie to the challenges that the survivors are experiencing, it's very unlikely that they'll be able to find the solution.


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  • bucket (in basketball)

  • No. 2 pencil

  • fill-in-the-bubble

  • H2A

  • to drum out

  • to emote


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