■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend March 24, 2024
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[07:02] JOHN YANG: The Heritage Foundation actually has a whole project of things they want done if President Trump were to win a second term. And one of them is a law governing the U.S. mails. Tell us a little bit about that.
MARY ZIEGLER: So this law is called the Comstock Act. It was passed really as kind of an obscenity law in 1873. And it made it a crime to mail a variety of items that its framers believed encouraged people to have illicit sex, including originally items for procuring abortion. Now there's language in the statute that says items designed, intended or adapted for producing abortion. So conservative groups are arguing that the Comstock Act makes it a crime to mail any abortion-related item and they argue, as a result, number one, that the FDA doesn't have the authority to allow a telehealth abortion, but number two, that no one really has the authority to perform a legal abortion because every abortion in the United States takes place using some item in the U.S. mails, whether it's a surgical procedure or a medication procedure. So that question is front and center from Project 2025's mandate for leadership that you mentioned. And the argument is essentially that President Trump in his second term could start enforcing the statute against blue states on day one, against abortion doctors, against drug manufacturers, and potentially down the line, even against patients, because the Comstock Act notably makes it a crime, not just to mail items, but to receive items as well.
JOHN YANG: That law is still on the books. Why is it not being enforced in that way?
MARY ZIEGLER: Well, for a long time, it really hasn't been meaningfully enforced based on the best evidence we have in cases of abortion or contraception really since the 1930s. It's been enforced in cases involving pornography in the interim years, but not in cases involving abortion and contraception. And it's hard to say exactly why that is. I think in part we have a lot of federal court precedents saying that it's wrong to enforce the Comstock Act in all cases involving abortion, particularly in cases where a patient's health may be implicated or where a use is lawful. There also just for many years was Roe v. Wade, right? So it would arguably probably have been unconstitutional to enforce the Comstock Act in those ways. So now we have this kind of zombie law that most Americans don't even know is on the books that the Supreme Court in theory could transform into an abortion ban that Americans would never vote to enact.
[13:00] And so what we're seeing in the shelters is organic education activities taking place. So parents are coming together, there are teachers in the shelters and education is happening. It's not people sitting in rows with a white board in front of them and teachers teaching the times table or the alphabet. It's a place for structure and for some kind of escape, if you like, from the immediacy of the issues in front of you.
[20:59] The Congo has deployed as -- a much larger military budget than ever before. They spent about a billion dollars upwards a year on defense now. They've hired a variety of private security contractors, especially from Eastern Europe, to help them both train troops and fight on the front lines. And so the Congolese government has tried to throw the kitchen sink at this problem.
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education cluster
organic/ what we're seeing in the shelters is organic education activities taking place. So parents are coming together, there are teachers in the shelters and education is happening
times table
shoot/ I think it's more accurate to think of the shoots of education coming up within the shelters as communities are trying to care for their children
unexpended ordnance
peak bloom
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