《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.10.01☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour
■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Sept. 30, 2024
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[06:33] CHRISTOPHER BOOKER: Does a storm like this force the question as to whether a community like Cedar Key can continue in the era of these big storms?
SUE COLSON: Oh, no. That's so silly. That's a silly question. We have never not been inhabited. It's a prime place to live. It's a prime place to exist. The problem is, we have to learn how to work with nature, not fight it, not think we can overbuild it.
[** overbuild = To make more sturdy than would ordinarily be considered necessary (thefreedictionary) //
(in this context) to overcome nature by building a house that is sturdy enough to withstand hurricanes.]
[17:51] Israel says it has been open to a diplomatic solution to that problem, but appears to be running out of patience. And we are faced with a limited incursion, or, again, perhaps multiple limited incursions, into Lebanon beginning imminently, if not already. That is a hold operation that Israel will have to do to clear those Hezbollah fighters from the area, go after tunnels that go under the border, and also clear the missiles and rockets from Southern Lebanon.
[32:42] GEOFF BENNETT: We're going to take a closer look now at the significance of Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance's weekend appearance at a town hall event organized by top Christian nationalist leaders. The event's host, Lance Wallnau, is a leading figure in what's called the New Apostolic Reformation. That's a far-right Christian nationalist movement that wants to erase the separation between church and state and increasingly intersects with the Trump campaign.
[** Christian nationalist < Christian nationalism = 以前の番組で取り上げています ]
[* Lance Wallnau = see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lance_Wallnau ]
[* intersect with = to overlap, connect, or have a point of convergence with something else ]
[35:42] GEOFF BENNETT: Well, I have heard evangelical leaders compare Donald Trump to Cyrus of the Bible, to King David, to say that he is a flawed leader, but that he has a role in God's divine plan, the biblical mandate. How does all of this, in your view, pose a threat to democracy, picking up with the subtitle of your book?
[35:58] MATTHEW TAYLOR: I can't think of a single national political figure in American history who has as many religious narratives and religious attachments foisted onto him as Donald Trump. He is someone that is seen as a figure of destiny. He is seen as someone who is anointed by God for this role. And that's a very dangerous sentiment to have in a democracy, where elections are about the will of the people, not the will of God. Elections are about how we negotiate our differences. And as you have all these attachments of religious ideas to Donald Trump, the language of these movements has become more and more Manichaean. It's good versus evil. It's angels versus demons. It's Trump versus evil. And as that becomes the ethos of the Trump campaign and of the Christian nationalist sentiments around him, people are becoming much more apocalyptic in their expectations around these elections.
[43:25] What I would just say is I have gone back and through time, there have been some spicy moments at vice presidential debates, "You are no Jack Kennedy," memorable lines that we may not even remember were part of a vice presidential debate, but really memorable lines.
[** see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senator,_you're_no_Jack_Kennedy ]
shelter in place
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