
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.29]

PBS NewsHour March 28, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:18]★今日のおすすめ★ テネシー州 私立学校銃乱射事件続報 リポートのあと銃規制推進団体代表に聞く

[03:22] Hale was a former student at the Christian school. Police have obtained writings and campus maps they say show Hale calculated [* to calculate = to plan] the attack.

[04:57] this morning, the Senate chaplain's morning prayer was a call for divine intervention [* = Direct and obvious intervention by a god in the affairs of humans 「神の介入」] .

[05:56] Kris Brown is president of Brady, [* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Brady] a gun reform advocacy group,

[06:29] Extreme risk protection laws [* <  Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs)—often known as “red flag laws”—empower families and law enforcement to prevent gun tragedies by temporarily restricting access to guns for individuals at an elevated risk of harming themselves or others. https://gunresponsibility.org/solution/erpo/] .   Actually, 19 states and the District of Columbia have passed those last year.

[12:01] 今日のその他のニュース

[12:18] Mr. Pence acted as Senate president [* 上院議長] on January 6 of 2021 counting electoral votes. He argues that, under the Constitution, he cannot be questioned about any legislative duties.

[18:52]★今日のおすすめ★ シリコンバレーバンク破綻の背景

[20:00] SIMON JOHNSON, MIT Sloan School of Management: You can lend to the government. Uncle Sam and Auntie Sammy [* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aunt_Sammy#Housekeepers'_Chat ] are very happy to borrow from the public.

[20:36] [* 金利が上昇するとなぜ国債の価値が下がるのかを分かりやすく説明している部分 ]So, I asked, why, when interest rates go up, does the value of bonds go down?
SIMON JOHNSON: It is the value of the old bonds, the bonds that were issued at a previous interest rate, Paul, because now the government is borrowing, paying a higher interest rate.
PAUL SOLMAN: Now, I thought this might benefit from a bit of show and tell [* = a school activity in which each student brings an item to school and gives a talk on it to the class]    at the Treasury itself. Simple when you stop to think about it. The bank had bought billions of dollars of U.S. Treasury bonds at a low rate of interest. Suddenly, it had to sell some to come up with the cash to pay off fleeing depositors. Meanwhile, interest rates had gone up. Today's bonds are paying a much higher rate of interest than these. So which would you rather have? Obviously, this one, which means this one's worth less. The price goes down, the bank loses money

[21:36] THOMAS MITCHELL, Actor: How does anything like this ever start? All I know is the bank called our loan [* 貸しはがしをする].

[21:50] PAUL SOLMAN: As former FDIC Chair Sheila Bair told Geoff last week: [* 関連ニュース ]
SHEILA BAIR: We have all seen that, right, when the depositors went in and ran the bank and the money had been invested in mortgages. They didn't have all the cash. No bank does. Every bank lends out some of their deposits or makes investments with some of their deposits.

[22:17] SIMON JOHNSON: The bank has made loans. If the depositors are withdrawing their money, either you call in the loan [* 貸しはがしをする] or, if you can't do that, you can't pay the depositors.

[24:33] As Jay Powell, the Fed chair, said in his press conference the other day, the credit crunch [* 銀行の貸し渋り] that's caused by the banking crisis is some way going to substitute for interest rate increases.

[24:56] 議会公聴会 銀行破綻における金融規制当局の役割を調査

[25:24] THOM TILLIS (R-NC): This does not take a highly sophisticated person to understand the risk, and it damn sure had to be known months before the chickens came home to roost. [* chickens come home to roost = a person's past wrongdoings will return to negatively affect them. 悪行の報いが来る。因果応報]

[27:24] JON TESTER: I am not a banker. I ain't even close to being a banker. I'm a dirt farmer.[* = a farmer who earns a living by farming the land especially without the help of hired hands or tenants (Merriam-Webster)]

[28:13] ハリス副大統領 アフリカ3か国訪問 経済開発と安全保障で中国に対抗

[28:40] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: For America's first Black female vice president, a trip with deep political and personal meaning, Kamala Harris placing flowers in a women's dungeon at the Cape Coast Castle in Ghana and walking through the Door of No Return, where millions of Africans were forced in chains on to ships bound for the Americas. [* Americas = the countries of North and South America, considered together]

[29:45] On the fastest growing and youngest continent, Harris met with young artists at a skate park [* = skatepark = a recreational area designed for skateboarders] and recording studio.

[29:59] Joining her were actors Idris Elba and Sheryl Lee Ralph together to highlight the power of music to unite the global African diaspora [* アフリカ黒人の離散 ].

[30:22] JOE BIDEN, President of the United States: The United States is all in [* be all in = to be totally committed to something] on Africa and all in with Africa.

[34:13] And they also said that bringing those people along, they bring their own resources and investments to the continent to really stress the importance of these ties with Africa that the administration is focusing on. GEOFF BENNETT: A bit of a signal boost [* = an instance of sharing or disseminating another's information or material with one's own audience] on this historic trip.

[34:31]★今日のおすすめ★ ハリス副大統領アフリカ訪問について専門家に聞く

[36:16] So, and one of the things you will notice about the vice president's travel is a lot of focus on the creative industries. If you have followed the continent in any way over the past decade or so, you will see that, outside of extractives [* = 鉱業などの採取] and agriculture, the place with the greatest potential now is the creatives and the tech sector.

[36:56] And now we're seeing the U.S. with $55 billion over that period. It shows, in my view, that the Americans are sort of stepping up the game [* to step up one's game = to improve one's performance, or the quality of one's work (wiktionary) ] , because, as you noted, for the last two decades, China has actually increased its influence on the continent.

[39:58] 有色人種女性の行方不明事件 白人女性の場合と違う警察やメディアの対

[44:48] I mean, the public alert was sent out six weeks later. But prior to that, a lot of investigative work went into it. We have canvassed [* to canvass = to thoroughly examine or investigate 徹底的に調べる] the areas for public and private video.

[45:41] She believes the case has largely been ignored by media outlets because of what's known as missing white woman syndrome [* = the disproportionate media coverage of a missing person or similar case involving a young, white, upper-middle-class woman, contrasted with lesser coverage of males, non-white ethnicities, etc.] , a term famously coined by the "NewsHour"'s Gwen Ifill [* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gwen_Ifill この番組の以前の司会者 ] .

[48:46] ユタ州法 ティーンエージャーのSNSアクセスを大幅に規制

[51:21] What we don't do in the legislation is, we don't moderate content [* < content moderation = On Internet websites that invite users to post comments, content moderation is the process of detecting contributions that are irrelevant, obscene, illegal, harmful, or insulting (wikipedia)] . What we simply say is that we're going to verify your age, and we're going to have some restrictions for minors.

[52:24] The other way that we will enforce this legislation is through a private right of action. [* a private right of action means a private person’s ability to legally enforce their rights upon other people or even organizations. https://www.brownfirmpllc.com/what-is-a-private-right-of-action/] It's in the legislation. For example, if a social media company decided to collect data on our kids or do targeted advertisement to our kids, parents could join together and bring a private right of action. And that's a powerful tool.

[53:23] That problem is almost like a hockey stick [* hockey stick = (informal, statistics) A statistical trend in a graph of survey data in which most of the results are flat and then the graph suddenly peaks in a steep near-vertical direction ] . It's gotten substantially worse since 2009, 2010, when social media came online.

[54:03] 5つの惑星が直線に並ぶ天体ショー

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

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