
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.09.08☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Weekend

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend Sept. 7, 2024

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[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[05:25] BEVERLY WRIGHT: It came out of Saint John Parish, but the site is the same across what is called Cancer Alley, where we have the third-highest cancer rate in the nation, and 85-mile stretch of land between New Orleans and Baton Rouge, with over 156 petrochemical plants and six refineries, over 200 million pounds of pollution. That number is almost comparable to the amount of pollution in the state of Texas.

[** Cancer Alley = see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancer_Alley ]

[06:04] Saint John Parish was one of the communities that actually brought Administrator Regan down for what he called a Journey to Justice tour, and he was able to see with his own eyes, smell and feel the stench of these facilities, and then look at the data that showed, for example, a public school down the road from a facility called Denka that produced very dangerous chemicals.

[* Administrator Regan = EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan ]

[** Journey to Justice = see: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/journey-justice ]

[07:54] And it's really just exciting what I would call bad behavior all over. It's like a kid getting, oh, I can get away with this. Let me spread the word. And so that same bad behavior is happening across the country, where you have these governors and these departments of environmental quality are making certain that the siting of these really dangerous facilities are always closest to people of color. And that is happening continuously in our society.

[** excite = To cause to become more active; to spur ]

[10:14] CATHERINE CLARK: I always wanted kids. I love kids. But economically, I don't really know of anyone who can swing it anymore. Even parents that are working full time, they can't afford childcare. They don't have a village to help them raise them.

[** swing = To make (something) happen or come to pass; to manage or arrange (something) successfully (thefreedictionary) ]

[13:19] CECELIA: I think we need to have paid leave for all because many families are the sandwich generation. You have to take care of your parents who are elderly and you have to take care of your kids.

[** sandwich generation = a generation of people who have to care for their aging parents while still supporting their own children ]

[13:45] First of all, tell us about this moment that we're in. Is it different than other times in this country's history that we've seen declines in fertility?
KAREN GUZZO: Well, that's a great question. And so what I would say is we've seen fertility fall below what we call replacement level before, and the United States has come back up, above this or above that sort of mythical two children per women level. What's interesting now, though, is that it's been sustained declines pretty much year after year since the Great Recession. And so we're starting to think, as demographers, maybe the decision-making that goes into whether people have children or going to have another one has changed.

[** Replacement level refers to the average number of children a woman needs to have in her lifetime to maintain the population from one generation to the next. In most developed countries, this level is typically around 2.1 children per woman ]

[** "Mythical" in this context refers to a simplified version of the replacement level that is widely accepted but not fully reflective of the factual reality. It implies the discrepancy between the idealized figure of two children per woman and the more accurate replacement level of around 2.1 children per woman. ]

[14:27] They're actually being really deliberate about having children. And so they're worried about their ability to combine work and family, their ability to provide for their future children, their ability to afford to give sort of a lifestyle that will suggest that their kids have opportunities for success in the future.

[** combine = To bring into a state of unity; (in this context) to maintain balance between work responsibility and family life without letting the two aspects lose cohesion ]

[22:02] NATHAN DENZIN: 2024 has been called a weather whiplash in the state. In May, some parts of Wisconsin were still in a drought. But overall, the spring and summer are experiencing an unusually wet season. Still, should it dry up again, they'll be ready.
>> There is a live, phone tree, mussel rescue alert system in place.

[** whiplash = (in this context) a drastic and sudden change from one extreme to another ]

[** phone tree = a communication system used to quickly disseminate information to a group of people, where one person calls several people, and each of those people then calls others. This process is repeated until the entire group receives the message; call tree; 連絡網 ]



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