
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.08.31☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour August 30, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[06:39] Maryland's Supreme Court has ordered a redo of the hearing that freed Adnan Syed over concerns about the rights of the victim's family. It's the latest twist in a legal drama that was the focus of the "Serial" podcast, which propelled the case to national attention. Syed was convicted more than two decades ago for killing his high school ex-girlfriend. He was freed in 2022, only to have his conviction reinstated a year later. One of the dissenting judges in today's ruling did not mince words, writing that the case is -- quote -- "a procedural zombie. It has been reanimated despite its expiration." Syed will remain free as a lower court considers whether to throw out his conviction.

[12:55] As you have mentioned, the health care system has been under direct Israeli targeting and bombardment for the last 11 months, and the destruction of infrastructure means that epidemics will become a common thing. This will become one of many epidemics that we anticipate over the course of the next few months and years for Gaza. The decimation of the health care system by Israeli forces means that it will be difficult to tackle. And, as your report mentioned earlier, humanitarian pauses and truces and the gymnastics of coordinating a vaccination program are made extremely difficult by the fact that there is still ongoing bombardment of civilian areas.

[15:16] There seems to be this floating idea that, oh, goodness, the health care system is decimated, it's incapacitated, it's crippled. But it's still somewhat functional.

[20:34] ANNA DINOTO, Psychologist: They started to say that the amount of time we spent with the patient wasn't supported by the documentation. And so it's things like that where they say, well, you're not demonstrating medical necessity, but then they won't give you what the rubric is for medical necessity.

[22:01] ANNA DINOTO: It's really concerning and unethical in many ways, in my opinion, because it's like saying to a surgeon, we're going to give you four hours to be able to do open-heart surgery, and, sorry, not sorry. Like if you can't finish, like we don't know what to tell you.

[24:28] AMNA NAWAZ: Today marks three years since the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. and NATO allies from Afghanistan. It also marks three years of intensifying repression of women under the Taliban regime, what the U.N. has described as a -- quote -- "striking erasure of women from public life."

[37:07] And if you have Donald Trump suddenly saying, oh, I think that this is a problem, it's going to do a lot of damage to the conservatives that are pushing those measures. So you're seeing him thinking about his own hide and then clearly talking to somebody and trying to pull that back.

[44:19] GEOFF BENNETT: In the time that remains, I want to put a marker on something that happened this week, the U.S. Army issuing a stark rebuke of the Trump campaign over this incident at Arlington National Cemetery.



  • Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act


  • inshallah

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