
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.07.13☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour July 12, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[04:33] REP. JIM HIMES (D-CT): This is not about one press conference, one debate, one speech. This is about the presidency of the United States. This needs to be resolved, I don't know, in the next five to seven days, because we just went 10 days where the story was not Donald Trump promising totalitarianism. It was, how is Joe Biden going to do in the big boy press conference?

[07:39] DOMENICO MONTANARO: Well, I mean, it's been a marginal race the entire time. Not much clearly has changed nationally when it comes to Trump versus Biden.

[07:47] I also think we still have to take into consideration that there's humongous antipathy toward Donald Trump. I mean, you easily could see in all these numbers that more than half the country doesn't want Donald Trump to be president again, but it's really less Joe Biden versus Donald Trump somewhat and Joe Biden versus the couch.

[13:33] They are now running a campaign that is far more sophisticated, far more efficient with its money, far more professional from the top down.

[17:14] Chris LaCivita, he is best known as the ad maker who created the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign that really devastated John Kerry back in 2004. And LaCivita is best understood as a shrewd and ruthless operative who really understands how to target an opponent's weaknesses.

[18:03] GEOFF BENNETT: What is their preferred path to victory? I ask because the Biden campaign put out a memo this past week that said there are multiple pathways to 270 electoral votes. Right now, they write winning the blue wall states -- that's Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania -- is the clearest pathway to that aim.

[18:36] And, really, what the polling has shown, the polling that's publicly available, the polling that's been done by both parties, suggests that Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the three states that Trump flipped in 2016 and that Biden flipped back in 2020, that those three states really are the pathway for Joe Biden to get reelected and that, if any one of those three states is taken off the board by Trump, the math at that point becomes pretty much unworkable for the Democrats.

[25:35] Officials in Tulsa, Oklahoma, have announced details of the first person to be identified from a mass grave stemming from the city's 1921 race massacre. C.L. Daniel was a World War I veteran who was passing through Tulsa at the time of the attack.

[37:38] GEOFF BENNETT: So, President Biden's press conference last night might have reassured some Democrats, but it has not come close to ending this ongoing conversation about whether or not he should withdraw from the race. Jonathan, how do you assess this current moment?
JONATHAN CAPEHART: We don't have enough time for me to climb up on my soapbox and climb back down. Look, ever since that disastrous debate performance two weeks ago last night, Democrats have been tearing their hair out, self-immolating, and saying what they need to see from the president to make them assured that he is up to the task.

[42:32] These scaredy-cats, scaredy-crats, that are out there screaming that the house is on fire, we're going to lose everything, and yet we now have two national polls that don't reflect that reality.

[46:13] DAVID BROOKS: President Trump, he loves -- wants somebody to look the part. He picked Jim Mattis to look the part. And so I think Doug Burgum looks the part of a business executive who's going to give you a strong economy. So I'm going with the guy from the Dakotas.



  • all in/ I'm with Joe Biden. And if he were to change his mind, I will just answer the question that I would be all in for the vice president.

  • Hill Democrats

  • freak-out/ yesterday's press conference are reason enough to end the freak-out and unite behind Biden.

  • cut an advertisement

  • switcheroo

  • mechanical/ the people who can really run campaigns at a tactical, mechanical level in a way that few others can

  • work trip

  • drug/ they went into the bathroom and they drug him out.

  • get deep in the weeds/ the president answered, to the point where the press conference got boring, because he got so deep in the weeds

  • there/ I think the Biden we saw at the press is the Biden that is there

  • unforced error

  • sitting pretty

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