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■ 英語字幕ファイルのダウンロード
[PBS NewsHour Nov. 15, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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■ 動画サイトへのリンク
[00:00] Introduction
[02:14]★今日のおすすめ★ A look inside the Gaza hospital raided by Israeli Defense Forces
[07:43] News Wrap
[11:38]★今日のおすすめ★ Biden pushes for stable U.S. relationship with China during summit with Xi
[13:34] EVAN MEDEIROS, Former National Security Council Official: The way I think about the mil-mil relationship is that it's a necessary, but not sufficient condition for managing strategic competition.
[** mil-mil = military-to-military ]
[20:02]★今日のおすすめ★ GOP Rep. Gallagher discusses government funding debate and competition with China
[20:40] Prior to the other one, I'd never voted for a clean C.R. And now here we did waste a month deposing Speaker McCarthy, having this internal battle, and yet we're exactly where we were at the start of that process. And I'm increasingly concerned that we are going to sleepwalk our way into a defense sequester, because, of course, according to the terms of the Fiscal Responsibility Act, if we don't pass appropriations bills, we're going to trigger a 1 percent across-the-board cut next year.
[** C.R. = continuing resolution = An act of Congress which extends the current governmental budget situation through allocation of further funds in the same manner as the current budget, to avoid a government shutdown due to lack of allocated funding (wiktionary). 予算継続決議 ]
[** sequester (名詞) < to sequester (動詞) = To remove (certain funds) automatically from a budget (wiktionary) ]
[26:13] MIKE GALLAGHER: The most important form of communication to the Chinese Communist Party, far more important than anything Biden says in San Francisco right now, is actually that we surge hard power west of the international date line to the Indo-Pacific to make it impossible for Xi Jinping to conquer Taiwan militarily. That is the language, the language of hard power, that dictators like Xi Jinping understand.
[** hard power = the ability to achieve one's goals by force, esp military force (thefreedictionary); In politics, hard power is the use of military and economic means to influence the behavior or interests of other political bodies...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_power ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ) ハードパワー ]
[26:38] We also need to make sure that we don't mirror-image our own Western values onto this regime. And in the past, people who have made an argument for cooperation with China have cited not only climate change, but also stability on the Korean Peninsula, as well as public health and pandemic prevention, as areas where interests align. But the pandemic, the increased threats from the North Korean regime, and certainly the fact that China is the worst environmental actor in the world, I think, undermine this argument that somehow our interests align or that Xi Jinping cares about commitments made at COP 27. I can assure you, he does not.
[** mirror-imageを動詞として使っているが、この部分の意味はおそらく… 欧米と同じ価値観を中国に投影して考えないようにする。欧米と同じ価値観を中国に期待しないようにする ]
[27:30] Father of Israeli American held hostage by Hamas on efforts to bring him home
[29:03] AMNA NAWAZ: You have shared your son's story with my colleague Nick Schifrin earlier, last month. [** 関連ニュース ]
As you mentioned, he was protecting his wife and his children when Hamas attacked. You said he physically fought the terrorists before himself being kidnapped.
[33:50] Universities pushed to address mental health concerns on campus after student suicides
[34:56] Mental Health Justice at Yale was founded in the immediate aftermath of Rachael Shaw-Rosenbaum's passing by suicide. She was a first-year student. The resources that she lacked and the policies that made her feel like she didn't have the help that she needed were very, very clear. She had spoken publicly about feeling this need to move down to a part-time course load, and if she could just move down to part-time courses, she would be able to get on top of her mental health, but that that was not an option at Yale.
[** to get on top of = to control problems and difficulties successfully ]
[36:10] In a statement to the "NewsHour," North Carolina State said it has expanded mental health resources and access both on campus and to the broader school community. That includes nearly 30 more counselors and clinical positions in recent years, additional wellness days, greater peer support, and new telehealth options.
[** < Wellness Days can and should be used when a student wishes to be absent from a day of classes, whether it’s due to mental health, emotional wellbeing, physical illness, or personal circumstances. Taking a day to perform some self-care or seek assistance from available resources will allow students to return to class with renewed purpose...
https://wellnessdays.studentlife.northeastern.edu/overview/ ]
[44:11]★今日のおすすめ★ America at a Crossroads: Why people in an Ohio town feel left behind in the modern U.S. economy
シリーズ 第1回 第2回 第3回 第4回
第5回 第5回 第7回 第8回
第9回 第10回 第11回 第12回
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[47:13] JUDY WOODRUFF: The poverty here has had a dramatic effect on the lives of Steubenville residents. All of the downtown area is defined as a food desert by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. And on the south side of town, life expectancy is 17 years below the national average.
[** food desert = A populated region where food, especially healthy food, is difficult to obtain (wiktionary)]
[48:20] One resident recently complained: "We're the flyover country in flyover country."
[** flyover country = The states located in the middle of the US, as opposed to those on or near the East and West Coasts. The phrase is typically used derisively to dismiss these states as unimportant, uninteresting, or not worthy of visiting (i.e. the states that one flies over on the way to worthwhile destinations).]
[52:48] CHANDLER HOFFMAN, Student: Half my day is college credit-plus classes.
[** < College Credit Plus (CCP) allows qualified students in grades seven through 12 to earn college and high school credit at the same time by taking college courses from community colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a variety of options to college-ready students...
https://registrar.osu.edu/priorlearning/college-credit-plus.html ]