《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.07.17☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour
■今日の動画:PBS News Hour July 16, 2024
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[05:09] LISA DESJARDINS: Yesterday on NBC, he (President Biden) addressed his words to donors that Trump should be in the -- quote -- "bullseye." [** For the full interview, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0iXoqTMnx4 ]
JOE BIDEN: It was a mistake to use the word. I didn't say crosshairs. I meant bullseye. I meant focus on him. I'm not the guy that refused to accept the outcome of the election. I'm not the guy who said they wouldn't accept the outcome of this election automatically.
[14:04] MICHAEL WHATLEY: Look, I think we have such a strong bench here in the Republican Party. I think that we have a future of young leaders. You think about guys like Wesley Hunt or Byron Donaldson and, obviously, Senator Vance.
[16:07] So we're hoping that, if we do our job, we get out the vote and we protect the ballot, that we're going to be able to have an early night on election night.
[20:01] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: And the central conspiracy allegation is that he used his influence as a senator to squash investigations, to make aid to Egypt flow, like, he basically put his thumb on the scale in lots of different ways in a corrupt way?
[20:43] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: And what was Menendez's argument here? What was his defense in all of this? We heard a little bit of what he had to say. But what did he argue in court?
RY RIVARD: Well, it became popular to call it the "throw the wife under the bus" defense. But in some ways he said that his wife, Nadine, who he married in 2020 and was dating in the early part of this conspiracy and these schemes, had done things behind his back, that they lived separate lives in some ways, at least financially separate lives, and that she had made arrangements with people that he didn't know about.
[26:04] We have obviously three Republicans that represent Long Island, one that did represent Long Island and is no longer with us and now represented by a Democrat.
[** = George Santos = see: https://note.com/wgc888/n/n5c8b4ce12fce#3e4a00da-9507-411a-9b46-b954876bcfe8 ]
[26:11] But that pendulum is swinging. And the Democrats in New York, because of Governor Cuomo, because of Governor Hochul and the overreach of the state legislature, the botched criminal justice and cashless bail -- we just went through congestion pricing, where they were again reaching into the pockets of hardworking New Yorkers.
[29:58] GEOFF BENNETT: Dr. Ben Carson served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development in Donald Trump's administration. And he is one of only a handful of Cabinet members still in the former president's orbit.
[31:34] GEOFF BENNETT: The Trump campaign says it's making a major play for the Black vote. They say that they are microtargeting urban Black men between the ages of 18 and 34.
[42:53] And then I think we have also had massive, massive economic dislocations in the United States, 2008's financial meltdown, for instance, which has caused a high level of frustration for huge portions of people, of fear for huge portions of people, that then can get channeled in various ways that causes -- intensifies that polarization.
identity politics
melt/ this place is going to melt for you
concurrently/ I think the lengthiest sentence, the single sentence would be 20 years. He could serve those concurrently.
play into/ There's no question that issues of race play into American polarization and have always played into American polarization.
■ 英語のラジオ・テレビを視聴
・ラジオ (CNN・NPR・BBC)
・テレビ(NBC News ・ABC News・Sky News)
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