

■今日の動画1: PBS NewsHour Feb. 19, 2024
PBS News Weekend Feb. 18, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]



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[17:50] RADOSLAW SIKORSKI: Well, if Ukraine, having been encouraged to resist, the president of the United States having put his standard on the ground in Kyiv, the famous, historic visit, then doesn't deliver on assistance, that would send a message around the globe that you have to be careful, because the United States, for important, but regrettable reasons, might not be able to come through for you.

[20:55] RADOSLAW SIKORSKI: Look, I have said it before. There is never a shortage of pocket Chamberlains willing to trade other peoples' freedom or land for their own peace of mind. If it were to come to pass, these should be Ukrainian judgments. It's their people who are being conquered, who are being expelled, their children who are being stolen, not ours.

[24:34] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: True the Vote made repeated unfounded allegations of widespread voter fraud in 2020. Specifically, True the Vote had quite a few key claims, one, that a network of ballot mules paid $10 per ballot to be stuffed into boxes, that they were contacted by an informant who took part in the alleged ballot scheme, that they had a team of -- quote -- "researchers and investigators" providing evidence of fraud, and that they received 117 hot line calls from Georgia residents about voting irregularities.


[05:54] DR. JASON NAGATA, University of California, San Francisco: Yes, absolutely. The masculine body ideal is big and muscular. And that can lead to muscle building behaviors, like excessive exercise, restriction of carbon and fats while over-consuming protein and use of muscle-building supplements and drugs like anabolic steroids. When taken to the extreme, this can lead to muscle dysmorphia, also known as reverse anorexia or bigorexia. And this is when somebody pathologically becomes obsessed with the idea that their body is too puny or scrawny, and they need to become more muscular.

[15:59] One of the most prominent of these groups was the Black Panther Party. It was also perhaps one of the most misunderstood and most vilified by the white establishment. For Black History Month, that's the topic of tonight's Hidden Histories.


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。


  • behind the curve

  • ballot stuffing

  • Forecasters called for five to 10 inches of rain in Central California./ to call for

  • They are doing God's work on our behalf.

  • to huff and puff

  • True the Vote

  • let's check the receipts

  • to hold court

  • character actor

  • to take down someone

  • to sell oneself short

  • stark raving mad

  • A breakthrough star turn came in 2004 with "Sideways,"

  • AA meeting

  • It's a moment for us to decompress and focus in on how we're doing emotionally.


  • black separatism

  • Their 10-Point program leaned heavily on Marxism/ to lean on

  • This is the era of the urban rebellions, you know, the party is formed a year after Watts.


上の「字幕ファイルの作り方」のようにすれば、自分で作ることが出来ます (その場合、もとの字幕の誤りはそのままになります)。



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