
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.01]

PBS NewsHour Jan. 31, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:30]★今日のおすすめ★ 経済状況をBrian Deese国家経済会議委員長に聞く

[02:57] All of that may add to the sense that the economy is on a knife's edge. But a recession is not a given. [* given = 既定の事実]

[10:46] 今日のその他の主要ニュース

[12:56] The Northland region declared a state of emergency today as roads and fields took on water. [* to take on water = to slowly fill with water] Auckland braced for more flooding after getting inundated last Friday.

[16:35]★今日のおすすめ★ 警官による暴行死 警察の特殊部隊を考える

[22:36] 警官による暴行死 広がる波紋

[25:21] And so I just think that it's unhealthy, and that communities of color across this country are dealing with vicarious trauma. [* vicarious = Experienced by taking in another person’s experience, rather than through first-hand experience, such as through watching or reading.]

[27:23] And whoever is over [* over = …を指揮して・…を監督して] the training of these officers, whoever implemented this special unit needs to be held accountable too, because this isn't the first incident.

[29:41] 共和党主導の下院 委員会がバイデン政権調査へ

[32:35] He believes that pugilistic style [* pugilistic = in the manner of a pugilist (= boxer)] is something that can uncover truth and it's something he loves to do.

[34:55]★今日のおすすめ★ バイデン大統領 5月にコロナ非常事態宣言を終了 是非を専門家に聞く

[36:43] The Food and Drug Administration is planning on cycling to seasonal COVID shots, the way we do flu shots. [* このcycleの使い方は少しおかしな気がするが、この部分の意味は、コロナ予防接種も、インフルエンザ予防接種のように、周期的に繰り返し行わるようになるという意味だと思われる。そう考えながら話しているのでcycleが出たのか。to cycle = to move in a regularly repeated sequence of events.]

[38:41] And, what is the implication for Title 42? Because I know that this has been another one of these political hot potatoes that has been fought over. [* hot potato = a controversial question or issue that involves unpleasant or dangerous consequences for anyone dealing with it]

[40:02] I worry that, when the next variant or subvariant comes, that it has more immune escapability, perhaps even more pathogenic or deadly, that, when CDC says, put on a mask or get your booster shot, that people's eyes may roll. [* < to roll one's eyes = To deliberately turn one's eyes upwards, usually to indicate disapproval, indifference or frustration.(wiktionary)]

[41:25] ノースカロライナ州 メディケイド(低所得者向け医療費補助制度)の拡大 賛成に回った議員に聞く

[41:39] One of the obstacles had been Phil Berger, a Republican and president pro tem of the state Senate, [* 州上院議長代行] but he changed his mind last year.

[46:28] Jake Blount 黒人の伝統音楽に新たな解釈

[53:14] Rap, rhythmically rhyming a spoken word, breaking [* = breakdancing ], graffiti art, aerosol art, and deejaying were four distinct cultures, four distinct communities.

