《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.06.27☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour
■今日の動画:PBS News Hour June 26, 2024
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[03:18] JOHN YANG: Well, unlike the case that overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago, this does not appear to be a leak. It appears to be a case of what they call fat thumbs.
[03:53] JOHN YANG: Well, first of all, the caveat, we don't know if this is a final draft. We don't know how many reiterations there may be before it's formally released.
[04:52] We should note, this is the second time this month that the Supreme Court has avoided, sidestepped an abortion case. Two weeks ago, they avoided a definitive decision on the availability of mifepristone by saying that the plaintiffs in those cases did not have standing.
[21:39] LINDSAY CHURCH: So, today, the announcement was made that President Biden would use his clemency authority to pardon service members who received a discharge under what's called Article 125, which criminalizes gay sex, as you mentioned. So folks that were kicked out and sent to court-martial based off of sodomy laws are now have the opportunity to apply to have that -- to have the pardon in that court-martial and to eventually have their discharges upgraded.
[25:52] So it was a very hard time, in which you spend all this time waiting and hoping that you aren't going to be next and picked out of a lineup for nothing more than just who you are. Many of us served our country. I'm transgender and very proudly served my country. I'm one in five transgender Americans before the ban was lifted would serve in the military, which means that we're more patriotic as LGBTQ people. We serve at twice the rate. And we have lived under these criminal laws for a long time. And so, little by little, we are working towards righting these wrongs. But it's been a long process to get to a place of healing around that policy.
[28:31] MARK DANNELS: Well, we deal with the gotaways, which are people that are not giving up. These are the people that are smuggled under the control of the criminal cartels. They jump in vehicles. They go 100 miles an hour through my communities. Again, over 28 months, we booked just under 3,400 people for border-related crimes in my county. The smuggling is still going on. It's not like it's gone away.
[28:57] But let's not forget, for three-and-a-half years, we have seen tragedy after tragedy, up to death, not just in Cochise County, but throughout our Southwest border and beyond, now within our community. So we need to be real to it too and not celebrate too early. There's nothing to be celebrating about yet. Let's get a handle on this.
[35:13] For individuals that I have interviewed in Mexico, many have traveled days, weeks to come to that area. And they're also facing discrimination by law enforcement officials in Mexico. So not only are they meeting a closed door when they are attempting to seek safety here, but they are getting pushback and altercations with law enforcement in Mexico.
[36:15] GEOFF BENNETT: The long fight against HIV/AIDS may get a powerful new weapon. A new drug taken by injection only twice a year shows great promise in preventing new HIV infections. That could have far-reaching impacts, especially in lower-income countries that are facing rising infection rates. William Brangham has the details.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: That's right. This drug is called Lenacapavir. And it is made by the drugmaker Gilead, which recently said that in a clinical trial of 2,000 patients in South Africa and Uganda, not one person taking the drug was infected with HIV. So if this drug pans out as hoped, what would that mean for global HIV care?
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