
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.10.09☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Oct. 8, 2024


[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[13:01] And let me say, the climate crisis isn't just about the weather. It's about your wallet. Insurance is exorbitant in Florida. Your electric bills now, because you have to run your air conditioner longer, they're out of sight.

[** out of sight = Unreasonably or excessively high in price (thefreedictionary)]

[16:45] The Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to two pioneers of artificial intelligence, John Hopfield of Princeton University and Geoffrey Hinton, a University of Toronto professor known as the godfather of A.I. In their announcement in Sweden today, the Nobel Committee credited Hopfield's work in creating a data processing model based on the functions of the human brain. Hinton built on that work to develop machines that learn by fine-tuning errors until they disappear. We spoke with Geoffrey Hinton last year shortly after he left his post at Google and he warned about the dangers surrounding the technology he helped create. [** このインタビュー: https://note.com/wgc888/n/n72d8bdb150f4#d1a8498a-5eaa-4ef8-b583-6fa96e19dfe8 動画は見られなくなっていますが、字幕は読むことが出来ます。]
GEOFFREY HINTON, Artificial Intelligence Pioneer: We should realize that we're probably going to get things more intelligent than us quite soon and they will be wonderful. They will be able to do all sorts of things very easily that we find very difficult. So there's huge positive potential in these things, but, of course, there's also huge negative possibilities. And I think we should put more or less equal resources into developing A.I. to make it much more powerful and into figuring out how to keep it under control and how to minimize bad side effects of it.

[23:47] GEOFF BENNETT: This week, the U.S. Supreme Court kicked off a new term with a major case today focused on federal regulations of so-called ghost guns. Those are firearms that are assembled at home with a kit. They don't have traceable serial numbers, and they don't require background checks.

[** ghost gunとは何かを説明している部分。説明は上の通り ]

[39:25] AMANDA STEWART SPROWLS: I look at his economic policy and he's basically talking about a huge national sales tax without any kind of approval from Congress, and, basically, at his whim, and he's looking at anywhere from 20 percent up to 60 percent of tariffs. It's not even like he's talking like a Republican. He's talking command-and-control economy at this point. He's not even giving us a choice.

[** Command-and-control economy = an economic system in which the government has significant control over production, investment, prices, and the allocation of resources, often through regulations and directives rather than market forces. A command-and-control economy can be found in communist or socialist countries. ]

[41:23] Republicans, we have always said we support the police, back the blue. And 140 police officers injured that day. And I'm just baffled that suddenly the police were the bad guy, and the January 6 prisoners are the good guys and should be pardoned.

[** back the blue = a phrase that expresses support for law enforcement officers, particularly police. //
blue = (slang) a member of law enforcement (wiktionary) ]

[43:49] AMANDA STEWART SPROWLS: I would like to hear more from her speaking about tax policy, and I'd like to hear more of how she's actually willing to compromise with Congress to get these policies past that we desperately need, whether it's on immigration, whether it's on tax policy, whether it's cutting spending, whether it's giving more power and energy to the Ukrainians, so that they can rally into Russia.

[** "rally into Russia" likely means to gather or organize strength to launch an offensive into Russia.]



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