
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.10.23☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Oct. 22, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[03:55] NARRATOR: Kamala's agenda is they/them, not you.

[** In this context, "they/them" refers to a progressive agenda that emphasizes inclusivity and support for the non-binary community ]

[04:36] KAMALA HARRIS: Well, let me say this. We have got two weeks to go. And I'm very much grounded in the present in terms of the task at hand. And we will deal with election night and the days after as they come.

[10:34] Federal agents arrested the former CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch on charges that he ran a sex trafficking and prostitution operation from 2008 to 2015. The indictment alleges Mike Jeffries lured young men with promises of modeling work and coerced them into sex acts. Two alleged co-conspirators, including his romantic partner, were also arrested. Jeffries helped revitalize the struggling retailer during his two-decade tenure, during which it became known for its sexualized marketing.

[25:02] REID WILSON: Well, first of all, we're seeing a lot of ballot initiatives that have to do with ranked-choice voting. Now, that is, when you walk into a ballot, instead of choosing just one candidate, you can rank your best choices. The thinking on that is that voters will be able to prioritize the candidates who build the broadest coalition and, therefore, we will have fewer extremists from the right or the left and more people who work towards consensus and building those big coalitions.

[** ranked-choice votingを説明している部分。以前の番組にも出てきました ]

[32:46] MAMDOUH AL KURDI (through translator): We try to hold ourselves together as much as possible, but it's tough. One experience really stayed with me.

[35:13] We have all had this experience. You sign up for a subscription or an ongoing membership. But then, when you're done with it, undoing that subscription is a complex, difficult, multistep process. The FTC's new rule would require that getting out of those plans would be as easy as it was getting in. Erin Witte is director of consumer protection for the Consumer Federation of America and a supporter of this rule. Erin, thank you so much for being here. They call this new rule click to cancel.

[** click to cancel とは何かを説明している部分 ]

[35:51] ERIN WITTE, Director of Consumer Protection, Consumer Federation of America: So the purpose of this rule is to really align the interests of consumers and businesses by making businesses rely on affirmative consumer choice, rather than trapping them in a subscription. The click to cancel part of the rule simply says that, if a consumer is in a subscription, it should be as easy to get out of the subscription as it was to get in.

[** In this context, "affirmative consumer choice" refers to a situation where consumers actively make a decision to buy or cancel subscriptions for certain services ]

[37:55] ERIN WITTE: Well, I'm not surprised to see critiques because businesses can make a lot of money off of consumers that just forget to cancel a subscription. They can really rely on this phenomenon called inertia.

[** inertia = (in this context) the tendency of consumers to remain subscribed to a service even when they no longer want or need it, including the case of simply forgetting to cancel. ]

[41:33] GEOFF BENNETT: Jimmy Breslin had such a unique way of telling stories, from the perspective of ordinary people, as some might remember when he covered the funeral services of John F. Kennedy. He tracked down the man who dug JFK's grave and wrote a column about him. What influenced his approach?
RICHARD ESPOSITO: Anybody can stand next to everybody else and tell that part of a story. And, in fact, when he went down there, he said, I'm not standing with 10,000 people scribbling down notes and taking pictures. I will find the story.

[** Anybody can stand next to everybody else and tell that part of a story = Anyone can physically be present at an event and report on it, that alone doesn't lead to compelling storytelling ]

[45:42] GEOFF BENNETT: What do you think he'd  [* he = Jimmy Breslin ] make of today's media landscape and the ways in which journalism is practiced today?
RICHARD ESPOSITO: You know, it's -- that's a question you and I probably ask ourselves every day. What do we make of this landscape? There were two parts to that. He felt -- when the Internet started, he called me one day and he said: "This is a gale coming and I'm going with it and the rest of you guys are stuck here." He saw that he could write for this new medium. What he made of it was its distribution and how do you get your stories out. I think what he'd make of it now is, we're in a lot of silos right now and we're all sort of reading what we already believe.



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