

PBS NewsHour June 27, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:22]★今日のおすすめ★ 注目の最高裁判決 「州議会の独立性原則」(independent state legislature doctrine(ISL))を否定する判断/元訴訟長官代理でISL反対の立場で訴訟に関わったNeal Katyalに判決の影響を聞く

[02:25] The U.S. Supreme Court today rejected a controversial legal theory that state legislatures have almost unlimited power to decide the rules for federal elections and draw partisan congressional maps without interference from state courts. The so-called independent state legislature theory [** = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_state_legislature_theory ] regained attention after the 2020 presidential election, when then-President Donald Trump's allies raised it as part of an effort to reverse the election outcome.

[03:20] GEOFF BENNETT: So, this case had to do with gerrymandering [**  以前の番組に出てきました  ] .

[03:30] NEAL KATYAL: Though the facts of this case, you're right, are limited to gerrymandering, but the holding [** = a determination of law made by a court (wiktionary). 判決。裁判所の判断 ] of the case is a widespread, thorough repudiation of this independent state legislature doctrine, Geoff. [** = 「州議会の独立性原則」の説明 ] And that was the doctrine being pushed by the Republican Party to say, for all voting choices, not just redistricting or maps, but polling places, absentee ballots, everything, the Republican Party said, all of that is up to the state legislature, and the state legislature alone, that they could be even acting unconstitutionally against their own state constitutions, and there would be no check on that, the state courts had no business reviewing that. That's what we argued against. That's what the Supreme Court in a very strong 6-3 decision said we were right about, ordinary checks and balances, the American system.

[07:37] 今日のその他の主要ニュース

[08:10] A heat dome [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_dome ] scorched Texas again today, amid warnings that blistering temperatures will invade the Midwest and the Deep South through July 4.

[12:36] トランプ捜査 新たに公表された録音/イラン攻撃関連文書を機密と知りつつ保持/元連邦検事のDavid Kelleyに聞く/裁判への影響

[14:29] He knew that he shouldn't be showing it. So these are all things that kind of fly in the face of [** to fly in the face of =to contradict ] a lot of the public statements that he's making, including the one that he made today, that he did nothing wrong.

[14:47] How might a jury react to hearing this audio, as opposed to just reading the transcript in black and white [** = in writing or printing ] ?

[17:29] First off, he's not somebody who can be painted by the defense as kind of having an axe to grind [** to have an axe to grind = to have a personal motivation or selfish reason ] , a political axe to grind, in particular,

[18:12] ワグネルの反乱 ロシア治安当局が異例の起訴断念/ワグネル首領エフゲニー・プリゴジン(Yevgeny Prigozhin)はベラルーシ到着

[22:06]★今日のおすすめ★ アメリカの人口高齢化/社会保障や労働力不足への影響/The Washington Post紙コラムニストPhilip Bumpと連邦議会予算事務局(Congressional Budget Office)元チーフエコノミストのWendy Edelbergに聞く/ベビーブーマー世代の影響/高齢化の中心が白人なのはなぜか/増税と給付削減/高齢化で変わる政治状況

[24:21] But we are also a country that is greatly valued by immigrants. There are immigrants from all over the world who desperately want to come to the United States. So we have a very simple way of boosting our population growth, if that becomes a priority for us. [** つまり、少子高齢化が進む中、人口を増やすことを優先するのなら、移民にとって経済が魅力的なアメリカでは、移民を増やせば問題は簡単に解決するということ。(番組とは関係ないが…)日本でこの議論がまったくないのはなぜなのか。移民にとって魅力的な経済である時にしかできない議論なのに。]

[28:42] I mean, addressing Medicare and Social Security are third rails of American politics. [** third rail = anything that is dangerous to come into contact with, or is best avoided < The electrified rail that runs beside or between train tracks to power electric trains] Immigration is right behind that.

[31:41] AIによるディープフェイクでセクハラ 女性を標的に/専門家(Nina Jankowicz)に聞く

[31:54] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: For years, women have faced sexual harassment online. And with the rise of artificial intelligence, it's only getting worse. Deepfakes, which use A.I. to create manipulated, but hyper-realistic images and videos of real people in fake situations [** deepfakeは、以前の番組にも出てきました ] , are routinely used against women.

[32:20] Our guest, Nina Jankowicz, is a disinformation [** misinformationとdisinformationの違い ] researcher and the author of two books on the subject.

[35:38] But even poorly edited videos known as cheapfakes [** = A cheap fake is altered media that has been changed through conventional and affordable technology. Social media examples of cheap fake techniques include photoshopping (including face swapping), lookalikes, as well as speeding and slowing video. A cheap fake is easier to produce than a deep fake, which requires advanced technology and machine learning. https://mediamanipulation.org/definitions/cheap-fake ] can prove equally damaging.

[37:22] If they happen to be in your state and in your jurisdiction, then you might be able to bring them to account in civil court. But if they're out of your state, or even out of the country, then you really don't have any recourse. And that's why I'm hoping that legislators, rather than wax poetic [** to wax poetic = to speak about some topic in a poetic manner, often exaggeratedly or verbosely so (thefreedictionary) ] about the threats of A.I. that we might see in the future, look at the threat that's facing us today and ruining many women's lives.

[40:12]★今日のおすすめ★ 新刊本『The Bill of Obligations: The Ten Habits of Good Citizens』 著者Richard Haass(外交問題評議会会長( President of the Council on Foreign Relations ))へのインタビュー/権利と義務はコインの表裏

[41:45] AMNA NAWAZ: Do you think the idea of American exceptionalism [** = the belief that something (a nation, species etc.) is exceptional, superior or does not conform to an established norm ] in some way prevents most Americans from seeing our democracy as vulnerable in any way?

[48:14] 『Counterpublic』 埋もれた歴史のアート展

[51:07] JEFFREY BROWN: As a starting point, McAnally writes in the catalog," "St. Louis is, for better and worse, at the crux of American history," the gateway to the West, based on ideas of manifest destiny [** = The political doctrine or belief held by the United States of America, particularly during its expansion, that the nation was destined to expand toward the west (wiktionary).
see also:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifest_destiny ] and realities of Indian annihilation and removal, a long history of racial discrimination and violence, up to the 2014 killing of Michael Brown by a police officer and the Ferguson protests and riots that followed.

[54:35] DAMON DAVIS: People consider us a flyover spot [** 類似表現:flyover state = any state of the United States that is often passed over by intercoastal / transcontinental flights, rather than being a popular destination ] , but we don't get the type of respect that many other coastal cities get when it comes to art and creation.

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