



PBS NewsHour Jan. 12, 2024

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[22:39] You mentioned about the evangelical support. My pulse just doesn't line up with the polls.

[23:08] LISA DESJARDINS: How well does Governor DeSantis or Nikki Haley have to do in order to really make this a race, have a chance at beating Donald Trump?
BOB VANDER PLAATS: Well, I think it's all an expectations game ight now.

[24:20] BOB VANDER PLAATS: Oh, no, no, I would choose Trump. I would choose the Trump administration over the Biden administration every day that ends in Y and twice on Sunday.

[35:10] JOHN YANG: You had an op-ed column in The Los Angeles Times last week. In it, you wrote: "It's crickets from the White House on COVID now, with no messaging on getting the updated booster or masking. The Biden administration has done far too little to accelerate research on effective treatments for long COVID."

[41:52] SHELLEY RIGGER: The PRC is really always worried about somehow losing Taiwan. And the thing that they worry about the most, honestly, is that the U.S. will encourage Taiwan or somehow give Taiwan a blank check to bust a move and do something that will force the PRC to respond militarily.

[45:03] People are waiting to -- wait around, I have read recently, five and six hours as he shows up late. They will stick around. They want to see Donald Trump. So all indications are that Donald Trump is sitting pretty. And if those polls are right, then Ron DeSantis is in trouble.

[46:22] And if Donald Trump doesn't wipe the floor with Haley or DeSantis, whoever comes in number two, then we have to start to wonder, can he make it through New Hampshire?

[52:15] If Donald Trump, through some miracle, is not the Republican nominee, Trumpism is still abroad in the land. MAGA is still abroad in the land.

[52:56] And so it's going to be a party that's going to be suspicious of foreign adventures, unlike the earlier Republican Party. It's going to be a party suspicious of international trade.



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