

PBS NewsHour Aug. 29, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:19] Hurricane Idalia intensifying as it heads for landfall on Florida's Gulf Coast

Hurricane Idalia is gaining strength and barreling toward Florida where it is expected to make landfall as a Category 3 hurricane Wednesday morning. Forecasters are warning of a catastrophic storm surge along with destructive winds, flooding rain and tornadoes. Amna Nawaz discussed the storm with Jamie Rhome of the National Hurricane Center.
《Hurricane Idalia; Jamie Rhome, National Hurricane Center; 》

[02:32] AMNA NAWAZ: Rain from the hurricane's outer bands is already falling in Florida. Idalia is expected to punish [* to punish = to treat roughly; to hurt ] the Western coast of the state, and the Big Bend region near the Panhandle in the northwest.
[** outer band = 台風の場合と同じか分かりませんが、次のリンクのような説明がありました。https://kotobank.jp/word/アウターバンド-1728235 ]

[07:05] AMNA NAWAZ: Jamie, part of the National Weather Service advisory said today, don't mess around with this storm.
[** to mess around with = to treat something in a careless way; なめてかかる ]

[08:18] We are already seeing heavy rainbands and strong winds move across the Florida Peninsula as we speak.
[** rainband = The spiralling bands of cloud and precipitation that make up the bulk of most tropical cyclones (wiktionary); 帯状に発達した積乱雲。多く、台風の渦に湿った空気が大量に流れ込むことで発生し、強い雨を降らせる。降雨帯。(デジタル大辞泉) ]

[09:05] News Wrap

In our news wrap Tuesday, victims of the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol had their say in a federal court a day before former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and three others will be sentenced for their roles in the attack, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez called off his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination and police in Nigeria arrested 67 people for attending a gay wedding.
《Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and three others will be sentenced tomorrow; Miami Mayor Francis Suarez suspended his presidential campaign; Paul Whelan's video; police in Nigeria arrested 67 for attending a gay wedding; a man in Uganda arrested for "aggravated homosexuality"; Imran Khan's corruption conviction and three-year prison term suspended ; a grad student from China at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill formally charged with murdering his faculty adviser; House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, multiple myeloma, a form of blood cancer; 》

[10:52] In Pakistan, an appeals court today suspended Imran Khan's corruption conviction and his three-year prison term. The former prime minister had been found guilty of selling state gifts while in office.
[** state gifts < Arab News Pakistanの記事: The federal government on Sunday released details of a record of state gifts received by public office holders and government officials from foreign dignitaries between 2002-2023, with the list containing some high-valued retentions by Pakistan’s former prime ministers and presidents...
https://www.arabnews.pk/node/2267276/pakistan ]

[13:19] Medicare drug price negotiations could save government billions

President Biden announced the first batch of drugs designated for Medicare price negotiations that would make them more affordable for older and disabled Americans. But drug manufacturers are attempting to block the effort. Stephanie Sy discussed more with Stacie Dusetzina.
《Medicare price negotiations; part of a program under the Inflation Reduction Act; Eliquis and Xarelto, blood thinners; Jardiance, diabetes medication; Stacie Dusetzina, professor of health policy and cancer research at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine》

[15:41] Now, for people who take these drugs that are on the list, some of them will actually see direct benefits in their prices going down by the time the new prices are implemented in 2026. That includes anybody who's paying a deductible or paying a coinsurance, a percentage of the drug's price.
[** deductible = the amount of financial loss specified in an insurance policy that the insurer will not be held responsible for and that the insurance holder must pay (Merriam-Webster). 控除免責金額。免責 ]
[** coinsurance = health insurance in which the insured is required to pay a fixed percentage of the cost of medical expenses after the deductible has been paid and the insurer pays the remaining expenses (Merriam-Webster) ]

[19:58]★今日のおすすめ★ How Meadows' testimony in Georgia could help shape case against Trump

In a surprising move Monday, former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows took the stand in a Georgia federal court in hopes of moving his high-profile case on conspiracy to subvert the 2020 election from a state court to a federal one. Geoff Bennett discussed more with former federal prosecutor Chuck Rosenberg.
《Mark Meadows took the stand to argue that the criminal case against him should be moved to federal; Chuck Rosenberg, former federal prosecutor; Supremacy Clause allow him to argue "because he was a federal official acting within the scope of his federal duty, the case against him ought to be dismissed." ; Brad Raffensperger; 》

[21:26] So, if he succeeds and gets the case removed, then he can raise a defense in federal court, pursuant to the Supremacy Clause. He could argue that, because he was a federal official acting in -- within the scope of his federal duty, the case against him ought to be dismissed. So what you should expect, if he succeeds in getting the case removed, is that he would then move the federal court to dismiss the indictment against him.
[** to remove = to transfer (a legal proceeding) from one court to another; to change the location, position ]
[** Supremacy Clause = The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the "supreme Law of the Land", and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supremacy_Clause ]

[22:03] And whereas Meadows was saying, I was just doing my job, Raffensperger said -- quote -- he didn't think it was "appropriate" to talk to Meadows while Donald Trump was contesting the state's results. He initially tried to avoid that phone call. He characterized it as a campaign call. And he also said -- quote -- "Outreach to this extent was extraordinary."
[** outreach = the act of reaching out < to reach out = to try and contact or connect with someone (to get help or support) ]

[23:13] GEOFF BENNETT: If the judge in this case says this case will remain in Fulton County, Georgia, could the Meadows team appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court? Is delay part of the strategy here?
CHUCK ROSENBERG: Well, delay always inures to the benefit of defendants. It's sort of a universal truth.
[** to inure to the benefit of someone = to benefit someone or take effect in a way to give someone an advantage ]

[23:56] GEOFF BENNETT: There were conservative commentators today making the case that the DA, Fani Willis, overplayed her hand in charging Meadows because it creates this potential path for removal. Do you see it that way? And could she have brought this sweeping racketeering charge without including Mark Meadows?
[** racketeering < to racketeer = to carry out illegal business activities or criminal schemes; to commit crimes systematically as part of a criminal organization ]

[24:52] GEOFF BENNETT: And the judge in this case made the point that it will continue as he makes this decision about removal. Is that right?
CHUCK ROSENBERG: That's right. He told everyone to continue as if they're in state court. And they are. Should he decide to remove it, and he might, then that's a different matter. It's a different book with a whole different story. There will be a different procedural posture. But, right now, they're in state court.
[** procedural posture = the way (court) cases unfold procedurally. https://minnesotalawreview.org/article/procedural-posture-and-social-choice/ ]

[25:46] Jacksonville mayor discusses city's response to racist shooting that left 3 dead

A federal hate crime investigation is underway after a gunman who embraced racist, white supremacist ideology shot and killed three Black people at a Dollar General store in a predominantly Black neighborhood in Jacksonville, Florida. The victims of Saturday’s shooting include Angela Carr, A.J. Laguerre and Jerald Gallion. Amna Nawaz discussed the tragedy with Jacksonville Mayor Donna Deegan.
《Jacksonville, Florida; Dollar General store ; federal hate crime investigation; Donna Deegan, mayor of Jacksonville; Nate Monroe, columnist, The Florida Times-Union; 》

[29:26] And I want to point you towards a line from an opinion piece that appeared in The Florida Times-Union, where columnist Nate Monroe partly laid the blame of that shooting on leaders like Mr. DeSantis. This is what he wrote -- quote -- "Wars on woke and villainizing diversity, equity and inclusion and peddling the fictitious chivalry of the nation's slaveholding founders, it is catnip for awful people with awful ideas."
[* woke = 以前の番組にも出てきました ]
[** = (figurative) Something that causes excitement or interest. < ハーブのキャットニップ(猫が喜ぶ) ]

[32:08]★今日のおすすめ★ Conservatives fight back against environmental and socially conscious investments

The extreme weather events that hit the U.S. and other countries have cast a sharp spotlight on the role of climate change. In recent years, those concerns have been a key part of significant changes in the way investment firms and companies do business. But now a backlash is brewing against what conservative politicians call "woke capitalism." Economics correspondent Paul Solman reports.
Correction: This report misstated the number of New York City teachers, transit workers and other public employees whose assets are overseen by the New York City Comptroller -- it is 750,000 not 750. We regret the error.
《Economics correspondent Paul Solman; ESG investment; woke capitalism; greenwashing; 》

[33:04] PAUL SOLMAN: In Lander's words, taking into account a firm's environmental, social and governance, so-called ESG [** ESGとは何かを説明している部分 ] , risks is his fiduciary responsibility as a long-term investor. That includes, he says, reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the portfolio to near zero.

[33:56] PAUL SOLMAN: By the end of last year, ESG investments nationwide totaled $8.4 trillion, 13 percent of total U.S. assets under professional management.
[** ESG investments = 上に出て来たESGを考慮した投資 ]

[34:37] PAUL SOLMAN: But, these days, there's a political backlash against this ESG investing as so-called woke capitalism.
[** = Woke capitalism, woke capital and stakeholder capitalism are terms used by some commentators to refer to a form of marketing, advertising and corporate structures that pertains to sociopolitical standpoints tied to social justice and activist causes...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke_capitalism ]

[37:01] There has been a rebuke, if you will, to what some people call woke capitalism.
LARRY FINK, CEO, BlackRock: I believe stakeholder capitalism is not political. It is not woke. It is capitalism.
[** stakeholder capitalism = woke capitalism =上に出てきました。// この人はstakeholder capitalismはwokeではないと言っているが、stakeholder capitalismと woke capitalismは同じものを指すと考えていい ]

[37:36] PAUL SOLMAN: But how well have ESG investments actually fared? In New York, four city employees sued the pension plans that shed fossil fuel investments, alleging they breached their fiduciary duties? Fossil fuels have done quite well in recent...
BRAD LANDER: Well, it depends what time horizon you look at.
PAUL SOLMAN: Yes. BRAD LANDER: They had a brief window. If you look over a longer period of time, they have not actually been doing very well at all.
[** time horizon = a fixed point of time in the future where certain processes will be evaluated ]

[39:59] PAUL SOLMAN: Yet Henderson is also skeptical of so-called greenwashing firms who use ESG mainly as a marketing device.
[** greenwashing = The practice of encouraging potential investors or customers to believe that a company has environmentally friendly practices, especially when these are seemingly contradictory to that company’s core business. An example might be environmental programs or initiatives launched by an oil company (thefreedictionary). //
-washingという表現の他の例:sportswashing =
https://note.com/wgc888/n/n28f22ebd6e07#f9a2dcd7-3bf3-4c46-95d1-98db80534463 ]

[41:00] Podcast 'The Retrievals' reveals painful experiences of female patients are often ignored

A new podcast is bringing to light the abuses suffered at a fertility clinic at Yale. In 2020, a nurse secretly replaced vials of an opioid used to reduce pain during egg retrievals with saline solution. That meant the women felt the procedure, some describing excruciating agony while the clinic downplayed or ignored them. Lisa Desjardins discussed more with Susan Burton, host of “The Retrievals.”
《Susan Burton, host of "The Retrievals," podcast series; fertility clinic at Yale University; Donna Monticone, nurse, stealing fentanyl to feed her own addiction; gaslighting; egg retrieval; 》

[42:03] She was gaslighting them. Here's what one of the women you talked to told you.
ALLISON, Patient: Next thing I remember is waking up in the recovery room. And I was in quite a bit of pain, a lot more pain than I ever would have expected for an egg retrieval. And Donna was my nurse. And I remember asking her if it's normal to be in that much pain. And she looked at me and said, "Yes."
[** to gaslight = to manipulate someone such that they doubt their own memory, perceptions of reality, or sanity, typically for malevolent reasons (wiktionary) ]

[43:24] ESHA, Patient: After I delivered, I went in for my six-week postpartum visit to meet with my doctor. And it somehow came up in conversation that I was part of this suit that was going on. And she looked at me and she said: "Well, what's the big deal? I mean, you ended up pregnant."
LISA DESJARDINS: You have such command of choice of wording throughout this podcast, and you call that kind of thing an act of erasure.
[** erasure = a tendency to remove a certain group intentionally or unintentionally from record, or to dismiss or downplay their significance. ]

[46:53] I have heard from hundreds of listeners, not only fertility patients, but just patients who've had all kinds of experience of unacknowledged or inadequately treated pain in medical settings, ranging in age from teenagers to women in their 70s, pain from inadequately -- pain from IUD insertions [* IUD = intrauterine device ] , birth trauma, all kinds of things.
[** = Birth trauma is a shorthand phrase for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after childbirth... https://www.birthtraumaassociation.org.uk/for-parents/what-is-birth-trauma ]

[47:37]★今日のおすすめ★ Landscape architect Kate Orff shares visionary goal of nature-based infrastructure

If you think of landscape architecture, you might conjure gardens and plantings. But in a rapidly changing climate fueled by intense heat, flooding, fires, smoke and hurricanes, architect and designer Kate Orff is helping redefine her field and push us all toward new climate adaptation solutions. Jeffrey Brown has the story for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.
《landscape architecture; Kate Orff, architect and designer, landscape architect, founder of the design firm SCAPE, winner of MacArthur genius award, directing the Urban Design Program at Columbia University; climate adaptation solutions; Staten Island; Living Breakwaters; nonprofit called the Billion Oyster Project, 》

[52:06] JEFFREY BROWN: So the idea is millions or a billion oysters create a new ecosystem?
KATE ORFF: Right. And we have to start, so oyster is the first step. It's not the answer, but it is a first step.
JEFFREY BROWN: It's a step that's catching on, including a similar smaller project highlighted on the "NewsHour" recently under way in Louisiana.
関連ニュース ]

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