[10:22] And it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas today in Washington, with the arrival of this year's Capitol Christmas tree. The 63-foot Norway spruce made the journey all the way from West Virginia's Monongahela National Park. Each year, a different national park provides the tree for the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol. The holiday tradition dates all the way back to 1964.
[** この部分について、動画サイトに次のように訂正があります。Correction: In this segment, we said the Capitol Christmas Tree came from the Monongahela National Park. It is a national forest. We regret the error. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqhmrY7zhDk ]
[11:48] This summer, the state's attorney general, Chris Carr, obtained a sweeping indictment using the state's anti-racketeering law, charging 61 protesters and characterizing them as -- quote -- "militant anarchists." [** 関連ニュース ]
[17:28]★今日のおすすめ★ Jonathan Karl explores Trump's grasp on GOP in new book, 'Tired of Winning' 新刊本『Tired of Winning: Donald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Party』、著者Jonathan Karlに聞く
[22:16] I mean, what if McCarthy had said, good riddance, we're not -- I'm not going to go back there and kiss the ring again, I'm not going to -- Trump's gone, we have to move forward?
[** to kiss the ring = kiss someone's ring = to express servitude to someone; to make a gesture of deference, fealty, or genuflection to a person of power or authority ]
[24:40]★今日のおすすめ★ Arab and Muslim Americans on how U.S. support for Israel could affect their votes in 2024 バイデン政権のイスラエル・ハマス戦争への対応にアラブ系やイスラム教徒の有権者が憤慨。大統領選激戦州ミシガンでバイデンに不利になる可能性
[27:04] RAISA FATIMA: I don't think our elected officials are doing enough to address the harm of the type of rhetoric they're using. And we're seeing very real consequences, even just within the United States. There's a 6-year-old boy who was killed in Chicago. [** 関連ニュース ] There's been a rise in Islamophobia.
[27:54]The censure of Rashida Tlaib, [** 関連ニュース ] it's emblematic of the censorship of Muslim voices in America.
[28:00] SUEHAILA AMEN: There has always been a push post-9/11 to have us sitting at the table so that our voices were heard, but yet we're seeing today, especially, that all of those conversations and all of the opportunities that we have had to have our voice heard hasn't -- has only fallen upon deaf ears. Why are we even bothering to have a seat at the table and bothering to share our voices, when no one's actually listening to anything that we have to say and then continue to misinterpret, misconstrue or misuse the words that we do share? And it's putting us in a position where you're damned if you do, damned if you don't.
[** damned if you do, damned if you don't = Every possible action (or inaction) would result in a negative outcome or cause you trouble; there is no course of action that does not have a drawback (thefreedictionary). 何かをするかどうか考えている時、しても問題があるし、しなくてもまた別の問題がある。どちらを選んでも不都合なことがある状況。]
[32:52] Look, Joe Biden and the Democrats built a big tent party, right?
[** big tent = a widely inclusive composition or character that allows people of differing backgrounds, opinions, and interests to be members of a group or organization (such as a political party) (Merriam-Webster) ]
[34:08] WA'EL ALZAYAT: He can call for a cease-fire, but also he can absolutely not give $14 billion to Bibi Netanyahu to spend as he pleased. We can condition the support. We can make sure that they are abiding by Leahy vetting, [** Leahy vetting = 以前の番組に出てきました ] which ensures that U.S. weapons and money is not ending up harming or killing civilians.
[34:51]★今日のおすすめ★ Brooks and Capehart on what Biden accomplished in his meeting with Xi 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る
[35:40] You can't have the two global superpowers at each other's throats, as they have been over the last year, with Chinese military planes buzzing U.S. military planes, and other things that have been happening.
[** to buzz = to fly an aircraft very close to or across the path of (another aircraft), esp to warn or intimidate ]
[40:57] And then, more on the progressive side, they have shifted and adopted a policy which has not been the traditional Democratic policy of, more or less, one state. "From the river to the sea" is what gets chanted.
[** "From the river to the sea" ... is a political slogan that refers geographically to the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, which currently includes the State of Israel and the Palestinian territories... The slogan's usage by … Palestinian militant groups has led critics to argue that the slogan implicitly advocates for the dismantling of Israel, the denial of Jewish self-determination and a call for the ethnic cleansing or genocide of the Jewish population... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_the_river_to_the_sea ]
[41:17] And I think it's not only on the Middle East. On a bunch of other issues, you're seeing this beginning -- this rupture between progressives, who tend to be younger, and liberals, who tend to be older. And we're seeing it in spades in the case of Israel-Gaza policy.
[** in spades = In large quantity or to an extreme degree ]
[41:58] JONATHAN CAPEHART: Look, I was a big skeptic, very skeptical of the new speaker's ability to avert a government shutdown. I was preparing for a government shutdown. And, instead, he came up with this odd, laddered, whatchamacallit thing that he... AMNA NAWAZ: We have a new phrase here, right? JONATHAN CAPEHART: What's it called, laddered C... AMNA NAWAZ: It's a laddered continuing resolution.
[42:46] And so I see the speaker as being in -- right in the middle of a vise, motion to vacate on one side, and on the other side, a bunch of Democrats who are willing to help him govern the country and keep the government open as long as he keeps doing the right thing.