《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.08.14☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour
■今日の動画:PBS News Hour August 13, 2024
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[03:58] The site's current owner, Elon Musk, who endorsed Trump last month, hosting the former president last night for a high-profile interview.
ELON MUSK, Owner, X: My apologies for the late start.
LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: But it was plagued with glitches. Musk, without evidence, blamed a nearly 40-minute delay on a distributed denial of service attack. Once the stream finally got going, Trump got rambling. He again praised modern dictators.
[04:36] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: In stark contrast to Walz's appeal to workers, Trump applauded Musk, who is also the CEO of Tesla, for firing his employees who went on strike.
DONALD TRUMP: Well, you, you're the greatest cutter. I mean, I look at what you do. You walk in and you just say, you want to quit?
DONALD TRUMP: But they go on strike. They -- I won't mention the name of the company, but they go on strike and you say, that's OK, you're all gone.
[04:57] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: After the comments, United Auto Workers filed federal labor charges against both Trump and Musk.
[15:21] MARIA CORINA MACHADO: Well, the protests have been huge. But the thing is that repression has been, as I say, cruel. And we need to administer this people power in moments in which a lot of people can come together and they are safe. And that's how we are designing the Saturday event.
[25:55] CHRISTOPHER BOOKER: But, for DeLoca, who goes by the nickname Johnny Guns, the Supreme Court's decision in Bruen, as the case is known, has meant a huge shift in who can get a concealed-carry permit in New York.
[32:49] So, first off, former President Trump, if reelected, could certainly let his views on monetary policy be known loudly and including through social media and other nonconventional channels. He could try to do what's called jawboning, leaning on the Fed in public to take certain actions on interest rates. Actually changing the institutional independence of the Fed, that's more challenging. The Fed's independence is enshrined in the act of Congress the Federal Reserve Act
[38:12] AMNA NAWAZ: A task force from the American Bar Association is urging attorneys to defend democracy against authoritarianism in the country. In a statement, members of the task force urged attorneys to -- quote -- "answer the clarion call to defend America's constitutional democracy and the rule of law" by getting involved in election efforts.
[45:59] JEH JOHNSON: Well, we're smarter now. We know that there is gray in our Constitution, in our constitutional framework. We know that, because of the Electoral College, national elections do dance on the head of a pin. And we have learned that, at the state level, election officials, state legislatures might try to overturn the will of the voters in their respective states.
the Squad
import/ I don't think we understand the full import of Bruen yet.
■ 英語のラジオ・テレビを視聴
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・テレビ(ABC News・NBC News ・ Sky News ・Sesame Street)
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